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  1. awarewolf

    Chronology: how old is America?

    Just found something interesting that I feel supports my theory. So, the General Council of Trent is said to have taken place between 1545 and 1563. The earliest English translations that I have been able to ascertain are the following: The canons and decrees of the sacred and ecumenical...
  2. awarewolf

    Chronology: how old is America?

    Something that's been troubling me for awhile after getting into the X-185 chronology mentioned earlier in this thread is realizing the following: 1. The Jamestown Colony is said to be the first permanent settlement in America founded by the English, in the year 1607. 2. 1607 + 185 = 1792. 3...
  3. awarewolf

    Book | The New Chronology by Fomenko and Nosovskiy

    I didn't link to any because I haven't used them and therefore cannot vouch for a specific one. That doesn't mean they are "non-existing", as you assert. Anyone with the ability to use a search engine can find a plethora of them and download and use them. Here, I just found lists of many by...
  4. awarewolf

    Book | The New Chronology by Fomenko and Nosovskiy

    Was never my intention. Nor did I ever suggest I was. You would do well to assume less, and research (and honestly, meditate) more. Disagree. Not an easy task, and a very time-consuming one, but it is certainly possible to find the sources he used in his books and trace them: It is also...
  5. awarewolf

    Book | The New Chronology by Fomenko and Nosovskiy

    I agree with the first half of this and definitely don't want to continue with the arguing; but I do disagree about this being solved by reading the source, considering the points I laid out on the previous page of this thread. That said, I will continue reading Fomenko and others.. I just wish...
  6. awarewolf

    Book | The New Chronology by Fomenko and Nosovskiy

    See my new edits. Or be done, if that's what you'd rather. You've been kind of rude tbh and don't seem to understand what I'm trying to say, while arguing that I don't understand Fomenko.. 😅 Was thinking about this more and it seems telling. Feels like an inference that you would have tried to...
  7. awarewolf

    Book | The New Chronology by Fomenko and Nosovskiy

    Please don't be one of those that tries to shut down discussions. Especially after quotereplying at me with paragraphs, while you're also insinuating I am naive or low IQ. It sounds to me like you feel this theory has no basis just because Fomenko didn't mention it. If you've been doing this...
  8. awarewolf

    Pompeii Unpublished: Sketches not permitted to be made...

    I have no knowledge of the pineapples, sorry. 😅
  9. awarewolf

    Book | The New Chronology by Fomenko and Nosovskiy

    My point was that I don't dismiss Fomenko. I wasn't trying to be egotistical; I was saying I think he's incorrect on a specific point, but I agree with him on others. I even offered evidence as to why I feel that way; which you do not seem to have addressed. And, furthermore, assuming what my or...
  10. awarewolf

    Pompeii Unpublished: Sketches not permitted to be made...

    Saw this in there, thought it might be useful for those researching mudflood stuff (I haven't delved into that side of things yet). "THE PROPORTION OF THE DIFFERENT STRATA WHICH COVERED POMPEII" shown on the right.. Bibliothèque numérique de l'INHA
  11. awarewolf

    Book | The New Chronology by Fomenko and Nosovskiy

    I added an edit about Fomenko, but I'm moving it to this separate post in reply here due to feeling it may have been missed: I do want to also say I find myself disagreeing with Fomenko in that I think his chronology goes too far back and includes events that didn't happen (or that happened...
  12. awarewolf

    Book | The New Chronology by Fomenko and Nosovskiy

    ChatGPT loves to "hallucinate" (word used in AI space for this phenomenon) false information by combining sources, so that is something to watch out for when trying to use AI/chatbots to verify historical information. I pointed this out to another user on the other stolen history forum. If you...
  13. awarewolf

    Book | The New Chronology by Fomenko and Nosovskiy

    My issue with Dionysius Exiguus is that to me it seems almost certain that he and Dionysius Petavius (that other chronologer) were the same person. If it is true that Dionysius Petavius was the first to publish Dionysius Exiguus' works, in his own work setting down what the "true chronology"...
  14. awarewolf

    1900-1915 HD quality photos of the United States cities. Is that normal?

    They appear to be push powered, perhaps with manual assistants on call. And I say this as one of the people that thinks atmospheric energy was in wide use in the past and covered up, so I'm definitely not trying to "debunk" this. :p I actually went looking into this deeper out of curiosity...
  15. awarewolf

    Our timeline could be much shorter than we think...

    I think you are projecting a bit there; I know there are some that view Fomenko in that light but I am not one of them. I find his work to be pretty valuable, even though I think he might have been a few centuries off in terms of where "true history" begins when he wrote his main series of books...
  16. awarewolf

    Our timeline could be much shorter than we think...

    One issue I have with Fomenko is that from his conclusions, it feels like he hasn't read the works of a historian and author that he himself promotes on his website. Edwin Johnson came to the conclusion that English and Irish (and French?) culture was fabricated by Benedictine monks in the...
  17. awarewolf

    Our timeline could be much shorter than we think...

    I think the issue is that Fomenko and thereby Tristan seem to think that some of the "more recent" events (1300s+) to be "legitimate versions of the copies sent backwards", whereas a lot of SH threads and researchers (myself included) have come to the conclusion that there was a cataclysmic...
  18. awarewolf

    Our timeline could be much shorter than we think...

    Good video. Took me a bit to get through, and I do find myself disagreeing with some points, but overall a very solid presentation with a helpful view of those phantom duplicates Fomenko and others have talked about.
  19. awarewolf

    1781: Aerial view map of Villa Adriana by Francesco and Giovanni Battista Piranesi

    I have a pet theory (and very little evidence) that starforts had aerial capabilities. A star by any other name would be as pointy. Citta, e fortezze dello stato di Milano e confinanti (edit, aside: Which, in my opinion, might explain this event a bit: 1561 celestial...