Question | Year 2030: what are they hiding?

Oct 29, 2020
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I've been gone for a while and I still am. One of the main reasons for me not being present is the lack of motivation due to family issues. It's one of those things when the darkness has no end in sight. Hopefully one day I'll be back, for deep inside I miss certain things.

For right now, I wanted to ask you guys about your thoughts on the year 2030 and all the hype attributed to this date. The PTB clearly puts a certain meaning to this "2030" date. As far as we know they keep on talking about the so-called "Climate Change" formerly known as the "Global Warming." The importance of the date appears to be relevant. It's either that (the importance of the date), or they just picked a date to achieve their "world management" goals. Could there be more to this date than we are being allowed to know?
World civilization cycles are one of the topics that I've been pondering on for a while now. Industrial revolutions appear to be convenient enough for re-introducing older technologies into the newly developing, post-apocalypse spins of the world civilization. From this perspective, the infatuation of the elites (imho, some of them do know what's up) with "2030" could be rather interesting. Additionally, we are obviously dealing with certain depopulation related agendas. I am no expert, but it does appear that our planet can sustain way more than whatever our current population is.
  • When could population numbers become really important?
    • This is just a speculation of mine, but I'd say at the time when people compete for food and resources in the absence of infrastructure and governance.
  • When could we possibly experience the absence of infrastructure and governance?
What events could result in something similar to what we see here and here?
  • Wars?
  • Urban Fires?
  • Natural disasters?
The Three Events
As far as I understand, the official chronology can not be trusted. With that in mind, I think we could have one 19th century USA event broken into three separate events. Chances are there are more than three such events, but these three definitely stand out.

1811-1812: New Madrid Earthquakes
The New Madrid Earthquakes took place between December 1811 and April 1812 along an active fault line that extends roughly from Marked Tree (Poinsett County) in a northeasterly direction, crossing several states for about 150 miles. The earthquakes and aftershocks caused extensive damage throughout northeast Arkansas and southeast Missouri, altering the landscape, affecting settlement of the area, and leaving noticeable reminders that another huge earthquake could happen at any time.
  • Thirty miles south, in the river town of what is today Caruthersville, Missouri, all twenty houses were destroyed, and the surrounding land was rendered almost unrecognizable.
  • The ground rolled in several-foot-high waves until they burst, hurling up geysers of water, sand, and a charcoal-like substance.
  • Giant fissures swallowed buildings, along with anyone inside.
  • Some land rose, and other land sank to become inundated with water as rivers changed their course to fill the hollows. Huge chunks of riverbank collapsed into the Mississippi, and an island rose, blocking the current from running downstream.
  • As fissures opened in the riverbed and the banks collapsed, the water was forced to run backward, or upstream, until the temporary island was washed away.
  • Most accounts said it lasted a few minutes, while others said it lasted up to three days.

1912 Source

1833: The Leonid Meteor Storm
The Leonid meteor storm was seen across the United States in the night and early morning of November 12th and 13th, 1833. Those who were awake to witness the storm were in awe as between 50,000 and 150,000 meteors fell each hour.
  • The 1833 Leonid Meteor Storm
  • To me, the above article sounded like an attempt to justify why just about every newspaper in the United States was publishing the exact same, or almost exact same text. Could it be that this is how historical narratives get introduced?
On a separate note, if these were not meteors, what could they be?



1859: The Carrington Event
The Carrington Event was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking from 1 to 2 September 1859 during solar cycle 10. It created strong auroral displays that were reported globally and caused sparking and even fires in multiple telegraph stations. The geomagnetic storm was most likely the result of a coronal mass ejection (CME) from the Sun colliding with Earth's magnetosphere.


I am not so sure there was "nothing much" to damage in those days. What about an allegedly "non-existent" at the time electrical grid?


The horse-drawn tram (horsecar) was an early form of public rail transport, which developed out of industrial haulage routes that had long been in existence, and from the omnibus routes that first ran on public streets in the 1820s, using the newly improved iron or steel rail or 'tramway'.
  • In the United States the very first streetcar appeared in New Orleans in 1832, operated by the Pontchartrain Railroad Company, followed by those in 1832 on the New York and Harlem Railroad in New York City.
  • Horsecar - Wikipedia
For whatever (historical) reason, the above contraption is claimed to be the original design. They manufactured rails, laid train tracks, built cars... for what exactly? For horses to pull them rigs?
  • Something does not add up here.
  • Do these technologies match, or people were forced to use horses for obvious reasons?
Who knows, may be in some remote year 2095, historians will claim the below designs were original as well. Will they claim that the Carrington event 2.0 of 2030 did not damage much because there was "nothing much" to damage?


Power Grid Cyber Attack
Another thing to consider is the constant "threat" of an imminent cyber attack. The MSM and WEF are pounding it down our throats. They even went as far as calling it a Cyber Pandemic.
Wondering, what would be the difference between a Power Grid Cyber Attack and some (known to some) "Carrington Event 2.0"?

KD Question: Prophets have been popping up left and right recently. Them climate changes, pandemics, cyber attacks, upcoming famine, etc. There is always someone out there to predict their occurrences, and somehow their "prophesies" become our reality.
  • Could it be that some people (or other entities) know what's coming around 2030, and govern the world society according to the pre-determined conservation plan?
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.jpg

This particular guideline does not appear to match our currently claimed world population of 7.9 bil. But what if this guideline shows how many people can be adequately governed and controlled to start a new civilizational cycle after a "world ending" event? Could it be that more than 500 mil. people existing under the conditions lacking infrastructure and governance would jeopardize the ability of the future Robber Barons to re-start the world?
  • After all, who needs extra millions of hungry individuals competing for food and resources when there are none?
Per our official history, humans of our kind and thinking ability exist for over 50,000 years. Yet, 200 years ago in 1820-30s (what would this date be without railroad locomotives?) people still used animal power for transportation. A couple industrial revolutions and one Nikola Tesla later, and we fly, drive, claim space travel and explore the metaverse.

Meanwhile, we have loads of evidence that this world was eviscerated (may be more than once). Dates differ, but plenty of this evidence points towards the first half of the 19th century being the most recent occurrence.

Here is the main question I guess: could it be that the projected "climate change" events of 2030 are a well disguised inevitable cyclical occurrence known to the select few?
  • If there is no climate change danger, and TPTB are not merely reorganizing the financial/governance structure of the planet... what could the significance of the year 2030 be?
I have all but two thoughts on the matter:
  1. We have no idea of the structure of the environment (what is our planet Earth?) we live in.
    • The Earth system could have some sort of a built-in fail-safe feature that under specific conditions triggers pre-programed events.
  2. Under specific conditions, we get attacked from the outside of our known geography.
    • These attacks are being presented as urban fires, meteor showers, Carrington events, years without summer and various New Madrid earthquakes.
I fully agree with your comments on what has been going on in this crazy situation that we find ourselves in. It seems that most people don't care or don't see what is happening around them 🤔.
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It struck me the other day that when mandatory state schooling began in the USA, much of our understanding of the old world vanished. And then I thought about the Brothers Grimm, who rushed to save older German culture right as mandatory state schooling began there.
The Grim brothers to be clear, compiled older French folk tales and toned them down were not really German tales.

Needless to say what Disney did with the same tales.
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The Grim brothers to be clear, compiled older French folk tales and toned them down were not really German tales.

Needless to say what Disney did with the same tales.
I’d love to read about this more. Do you have a book or source that covers the French origin of these stories?

I’ve been reading pretty heavily about the pagan culture in Europe and I think the folk tales have a lot of that culture leftover in them. The more info the merrier.

I’ve definitely gained insight into some of our modern culture through that reading though sadly I don’t know what makes 2030 the magic number for so many agendas.

Update: This video inspired a new thought. On our conventional timeline, sometime in the 2030's we hit the 2,000th anniversary of the death of Jesus. I keep wondering if our so-called TPTB / elite / rulers are members of a religion and are following a religious schedule.

The revised timeline in that video condenses our 5,000 year history to about 2,000 years. It would be as follows:
  1. ???-~1,000 BC somewhere in here is a global disaster (war of the gods, flood, whatever)
  2. ~1,000 BC to 1 AD contains the ancient world Sumer, Egypt, Babylon, Greece, etc
  3. ~1 AD to 1,000 AD contains the birth of Jesus through today
On this new timeline, we're fast approaching the 1,000th anniversary of Jesus' death sometime in the 2030's. He is supposed to rule for 1,000 years. After this, Satan is supposed to be let loose onto the world. Perhaps followers of one or the other are expecting something big to happen at this time?
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You guys got me interested in this gentleman's research, so, to be objective, I listened through the entire video. A few minutes in it became a struggle due to my mind developing multiple questions. He clearly put years into researching this, so I do not want to be disrespectful, but this is definitely not my cup of research tea. The approach to data collecting is definitely not in line with mine. Jason separated himself from researchers like Graham Hancock, yet the substance of the material presented reminded me of David Childress and Erich von Daniken. As @Banta eloquently put it, "dot connecting" looks impressive. I always have one question though:
  • What are the sources of data used to connect the dots?
At 34:33 Jason referred to "Toltec records". Is there even such a thing? When were these records discovered, and where are they kept?

At 55:50 Jason mentions a book by Herodotus. Are there any books by Herodotus? Where is this particular book being kept? When was it located? What does it look like? Is this another one of those copies of the copies of the copies conveniently discovered after 1400 AD?

The above two are just an example of multiple mentioned sources that, in my opinion, need to be scrutinized. Don't even want to talk about Annunaki references, and the Egyptian pyramid being built some 2k BC.

At 13:15 Jason says " is south of the Solar system". This is probably where I need some education. How do we determine what's south of the solar system. Is there even such a direction?

At 40:40 Jason says the following, "In 1849 BC Sodom and Gomorrah, ... Mohenjo-daro... they are destroyed in massive fallout". Well, I'm not so sure this dating approach is 100% correct.
Every historical claim has to be substantiated by some sort of a source. Reliability of such sources is not something we can always measure. For me, reading our contemporary interpretation of historical events, especially based on the Scaligerian chronology is not enough.

Working backwards from today, is something more "tangible" for me. 19th century alone is hard to understand. I am not even sure it lasted 100 years. When we start talking about 7k -1k years ago, I simply do not know where the information comes from, when all our known sources were not discovered/created prior to 1400 AD. I am not saying that people did not live, let's say, 10k years ago. I just do not understand where details of some 5k old events can be obtained from.
Thank you KD for bringing us to facts we have at this point.
What written sources do we have? There is evidence that 'all sources' were falsified. In 1926, Kammeier completed his 292-page manuscript entitled The Universal Falsification of History. Kammeier is just one example.
What is our chronology? - Many researchers who use methods of eg criminology (exactly walking backward) on best evidence we have concluded that our history is barely 1000 years old (aispik group for example). This group is not calming an absolute truth - their margin is about 20% in their theory (see attached chronology). Certain things they cannot explain and attribute this things to ancient (before flood/war of 17 century) technomagical and bio-magical technologies of artificial anthropogeneis for example (see work of Garyaev wave genetics). Brahmans in Ceylon still remember that after the distruction of empire of Mogols in 1840 British came and created workers in Ceylon to harvest 'tea/spices like cocaine etc'.
To understand the world before 17 century we have to accept that a current science was also falsified and leads us away from understanding of the world before 17 century. Therefore, these technologies are 'magical' for us as we poorly understand their principles.
We cant rely on falsified Scaliger chronology. The basis starting point of real chronology is a work of Nosovsky and Fomenko.

It seems that we are creating another falsified history based on Toltec records, Egyptian tales that were put on gyps over ancient structures by Napoleon for unknown reason and continue to feed this tale and Anunaki tale etc.

It seems that global elite (Vatican and alike) uses gematria for their plans and year 2030 is very significant for them.

They aware of artificial anthropogenesis and move us/civilization to transhumanism that is uploading our consciousness to a virtual realty, digitalizing first and creating a new species. More like a purge time of what was created after 1840/1860 comet Biella parts falling in Taklamakan and destroying remains of Tall Gods in that region, destruction of Mogol Civilization, covering with sand northern africa and middle east, and creating of new species in Caucasus mountains (thats why we use Caucasian in identification of racial groups), in Korean peninsula - creation of asians from synanthropes, and Cylon a current population of India etc. Seems this experiment is going to close by creation of new digital transhuman species.

Bill Gates recently praised Australia and China for their "lockdown" strategies. What a fine fellow! Epstein's friend without a medical degree tells us about the rules of public health.

And here's the point. The two largest donors to the WHO are Bill Gates himself and China. And now it looks very much like this whole new world order "dream team" of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and George Soros is organizing "Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset". We already know the ultimate goal - digital identity, social credit and depopulation.

We have to also know our rulers too to understand the past. Here is one key ruler - they - a cast of traders from London branch of Ost Indian Trade Company of Great Tartary re-posessed the world after 1840 and falsified everything creating a new reality for new population of us:

Chronology Oleg Pavlyuchenko .jpg photo_2022-08-28_08-18-13.jpg

Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio, Prince Arsoli and Prince Triggiano, is the master owner of most of the mafias on the planet, the true head of the Black Nobility and the most ruthless and ruthless devil on the planet. His girlfriend, Countess Alessandra Maleschi-Boccani, manages female gangsters and mafiosi.
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Presumably if 2030 has some sort of symbolic value, then movie makers might have used that symbolism in their own works. I skimmed this list quickly (plus added an old video game that came to mind) and saw some interesting themes:

Android Revolution:
  • Cyber Lip (Android revolt + alien invasion) 2030
  • Metropolis (Android-led worker revolt) 2026
  • Terminator (Android revolt) 2029
Killer Virus:
  • Planet of the Apes 2019 (killer flu)
    • Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 2029
    • War for the Planet of the Apes (humanity is doomed) 2031
  • Children of Men (killer flu and infertility) 2027
Droughts and Disasters:
  • Hotel Artemis (water restrictions in LA cause chaos) 2028
  • Tank Girl (drought after disaster) 2030
  • Theodore Rex (plot to wipe out humankind) 2030
  • Time Machine (mega disaster) 2037
I don't know if that's enough to make a trend. Plenty of movies are set in different time periods. I was surprised at the Planet of the Apes timeframe the most.
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He also talked about how the elite were in a hurry to fulfill their planned agenda and as an approximate date he gave us 2030, he told us that all these events would begin and as indications that they were underway would be these: gender ideologies, climate change, wars, food shortages, the fall of the Internet, etc.

I do not know if this has anything to do with the "solar minimum" as I understand, is an event that happens every so often and has to do with the sun, which caused a mini ice age similar to the year without summer. They know it and do not say it because they seek to take advantage of that situation.

They talk about global warming when in reality it will be a mini ice age.

What does the Fall of the Internet look like? I saw that both Max Igan and Cliff High, at the beginning of this year, chose that as the event they forecasted this year!
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I think the internet only falls in the capacity in which we enjoy it:

free exchange of information/speech
Frivolities like social media and gaming
Access to unbiased (or at least all biases of) information

the internet will only continue to expand in other less enjoyable ways:


I guarantee you that obama’s internet kill switch is only for us pedestrians
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Suppose we live on a planet enormously larger than what we have been told and that the lands we know therefore represent only one sector. Suppose that somehow and somewhere underground there is a source of energy that has long been known as "the Black Sun". Suppose that from a hole in the center of this immense earth the Black Sun projects its electromagnetic energy onto a dome of crystal-like material, which covers the part of the Earth known as such, which reflecting this energy divides it into its positive component, visually manifests as "the sun" and in its negative component, manifests as "the moon". Now suppose that for a phenomenon of retro-rotation, completely analogous to the presumed precessional movement, periodically the projection of the sun and moon and the dome, move by jumping counterclockwise, on the earth quadrant next to the one currently occupied. The dial currently illuminated and heated by the sun, instantly plunges into darkness and frost, the new one is illuminated and heated.

Here is the map:

(all the channel it's definitely worth it)

Now, suppose a small group of people are aware of this fact, as well as of the nature of the place we live in and that we call Earth. And let us suppose that these people, defined as "blue blood", "the elite", "the cabal", "the Illuminati", keep the truth hidden from the masses in order to gain power. All the power needed to govern the whole planet, to decide every little aspect of the paradigm that we call "reality", the truman show we call reality. Suppose that over time they have invested considerable energy and wealth to create cities in the next sector of land, to move into just before the Black Sun moves. Suppose this has been happening for eons. Cities remained covered by ice for tens of thousands of years, suddenly brought back to the light of the sun, disappeared cultures of which only the myth remains, anachronistic technologies that appeared out of nowhere, human and animal hybrids that are known as legends, entire humanities recreated entirely, time by time, through cloning. Traces of "extraterrestrials", of Anunnaki, of Archons, of gods and demigods, of fallen angels, of creators, of devastating forgotten wars, of catastrophes both naturals and man made, of empires and kingdoms of which nothing is known, of overlapping stories told by contemporary historians, by paintings, photos and videos, which contradict each other...

0afee42648dd03d89d625d00e7e5d059.jpg 2048px-Black_Sun.svg.jpg

Mine are only inferences, but...
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Indeed, it’s all very fascinating. I can’t say that I subscribe to any particular model of our world, but I have some serious reservations about what we’re told.

not sure how that parlays into 2030, but hey… it could be a polar shift, a sudden precession, who knows
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Well the red star Betelgeuse recently (August 2022) had a massive SME (surface mass ejection) and is apparently set to supernova (if it hasn't already). link Not sure what implications that would have for earth but my understanding is that Betelgeuse is somehow tied to our moon. I admit I don't understand (or believe) most of what's taught in the field of astronomy. Considering that the New Mexico observatory (and post office) were closed down for 11 days a few years ago on the ridiculous pretext of a night janitor distributing child porn on the internet, link is it possible some astronomical events are occurring that could have repercussions for Earth in the near future?
"If Betelgeuse has exploded we don't know about it yet. Betelgeuse is 724 light years away. If it is going to explode in 2022, we won't see it until 2746 CE. If we do see it explode in 2022, the explosion occurred in 1298 CE." Allegedly. link
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Well the red star Betelgeuse recently (August 2022) had a massive SME (surface mass ejection) and is apparently set to supernova (if it hasn't already). link Not sure what implications that would have for earth but my understanding is that Betelgeuse is somehow tied to our moon. I admit I don't understand (or believe) most of what's taught in the field of astronomy. Considering that the New Mexico observatory (and post office) were closed down for 11 days a few years ago on the ridiculous pretext of a night janitor distributing child porn on the internet, link is it possible some astronomical events are occurring that could have repercussions for Earth in the near future?
"If Betelgeuse has exploded we don't know about it yet. Betelgeuse is 724 light years away. If it is going to explode in 2022, we won't see it until 2746 CE. If we do see it explode in 2022, the explosion occurred in 1298 CE." Allegedly. link
no one single shoot of earth, and we talk about betelgeuse...
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We feign an understanding of the universe… we talk about stars and galaxies and black holes and supernovas…

but we can’t even offer non-composite photos of the earth we actually live on. In some people’s eyes, that greatly diminishes the value and/or credibility of talk about things so far away

EDIT: I’ll add, that all of the solar flare/min/max stuff is wholly and entirely unverifiable by anybody other than the “scientists” who tell us it is so. It could certainly be cover for some local events that we aren’t worthy of understanding.
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Got it. Guess I should have elaborated but I was brief because I was typing on my phone.

We know or think we know that global resets are cyclical in nature and that there seems to be something known as the Phoenix phenomenon occurring every 138 years. Last one was in 1902 next one is 2040. If the agenda is set for 2030 that gives 10 years to prepare the panicky public (if we even get informed at all).

Astronomical events have traditionally been harbingers of earth changing events. I was simply pointing out one that has not been mentioned much by MSM. Anytime the media ignores or downplays something as important as a supernova I tend to want to know more about it. Not saying betelgeus going supernova is the reset event; just saying it's worth watching as a possibility. Hope that clears things up.
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Not sure I'm understanding your complaint.
I'm not complaining, I'm just stating. We don't actually have a single photo of the entire Earth. We still don't know for sure where we live, what this planet is. Talking about phantom stars in this or other phantom galaxies seems a bit risky. If we want to unravel this problem, I think it is appropriate to start from the foundations of the problem. First of all, understand where we are and what we are. Otherwise it seems a bit like the reasoning of the ant that seeing the sole of a shoe thinks it has seen a human being.
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I'm not complaining, I'm just stating. We don't actually have a single photo of the entire Earth. We still don't know for sure where we live, what this planet is. Talking about phantom stars in this or other phantom galaxies seems a bit risky. If we want to unravel this problem, I think it is appropriate to start from the foundations of the problem. First of all, understand where we are and what we are. Otherwise it seems a bit like the reasoning of the ant that seeing the sole of a shoe thinks it has seen a human being.
I think that maybe all of this celestial stuff they talk about… might be false context to confirm whatever falsehoods are espoused about our current situation.

I’m not saying I don’t believe we’re on a globe earth/planet… but if we weren’t, it would be way easier to believe we were if we believed it was just like everything else in the sky
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I think that maybe all of this celestial stuff they talk about… might be false context to confirm whatever falsehoods are espoused about our current situation.

I’m not saying I don’t believe we’re on a globe earth/planet… but if we didn’t, it would be way easier to believe we did if we believed it was just like everything else in the sky
Yeah, agree! And you used the right verb: "believe". What so-called modern science tells us, is to believe. To believe in dogmas like those fakeries of the black holes, wormholes, spinning planets, gravity and so on. Because none of this has ever been proven, no experiments, real observation, have been done to prove any of this so that it can be replicated. And these, experimentation and replicability, are the two pillars of science, without which we fall into religions, superstition, abracadabra. And to the list of dogmas we can add all the history, science and geography taught at school, religions, the entire narrative on viruses & vaccines (have you noticed how a virus was described 40 years ago and how it is depicted now? Have you ever found a single photo of a virus around, in books or on the web?), etc..
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@Frank im not familiar with the old/new representation of a virus, but I’d love to see some examples of what you’re talking about.
There we go, the new and the old. Of course, all the "scientific" material supporting why the old version viruses, now called "bacteriophages", have the shape of the lunar explorer has disappeared from Google. The fact remains that there is no photo of a virus which, incredible as it may be, remains a theory, as well as all subsequent vaccines.

download (1).jpeg 300px-Bacteriophage1358.jpeg
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Here is an alleged electron microscope image of a bacteriophage:

Image from here

there is a lot of alleged microscopy of the Covid virus, but considering that, according to the CDC and the NIH the virus has yet to be isolated, I wonder what they’re showing? Admittedly many of the photos show the virus interacting with other cells (not isolated)… but if they can get the virus in that state, they should be able to isolate it…

another interesting tidbit is that most of the “sars cov2” pics claim that the image was “generated” with a transmission electron microscope. The word generated isn’t usually associated with imaging, not in my experience. In fact, it hearkens to nasa stating their earth pics are composites of smaller images and other non-photo imaging technologies.

but alas, we digress
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