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  1. Investigator

    Ancient Canals of the South-West coast of Florida

    Unbelievable video!! I never realized that we were looking at earthworks in the form of cut out land/water combos that form distinctive animal shapes! I saw a manatee, monkeys, a panther, several birds- WHAAATT?? How is this not known? I have a collection of Florida screenshots as well from...
  2. Investigator

    19th Century: Public & Private Steam Transportation

    Wow, image after image after image of ‘corpses’ laid out, strewn in trenches and even littering the fields at Gettysburg- and not a single drop of blood or visible wound on any of them. How incredibly peculiar, for a war fought with rifles, cannons, and bayonets, that someone none of the corpses...
  3. Investigator

    Hubble Telescope and the Olber's paradox: where is the space dust?

    Ha, and allow me to pile on. I was a kid when Hubble launched. Memory tells me NASA was globally humiliated when it turned out their $2 billion piece of equipment that was decades in the making didn’t work because one of the lenses was the wrong size. (Oops!) 1990 Chicago Tribune article...
  4. Investigator

    Area 51 a.k.a. Totonteac: the Seventh City of Cibola?

    I’m looking at the bottom left portion of your overlay for the 3rd or 4th time, I finally realized what was trying to surface. Those 6 points- especially the one by the Salton Sea- would have aligned exactly with the Gulf of California on either side on all our “California Island” maps. These...
  5. Investigator

    Area 51 a.k.a. Totonteac: the Seventh City of Cibola?

    How is it that these grids are ALL OVER the wastes and they’re completely unacknowledged? The way that TPTB have built right over them, stealing the pre-existing layouts for our “modern” towns is literal stolen history unfolding before our eyes in real time. I find it interesting that the...
  6. Investigator

    Area 51 a.k.a. Totonteac: the Seventh City of Cibola?

    California City is a definite second location for ruins of a former civilization- there’s much more here than we found in Pahrump! And the connection to Area 51/Edwards AFB is mentioned by the “officials” at, which states: “California City is a city located in northern...
  7. Investigator

    Area 51 a.k.a. Totonteac: the Seventh City of Cibola?

    How fascinating that there are tales of ancient now vanished cities, particularly one in the region of Area 51. I have recently learned that Area 51, Edwards AFB, and the nearby town of Pahrump, Nevada were built right over the top of existing grids etched into the desert ground, which are VERY...