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  1. F

    Victoria, BC or BS: real history buried in 20 feet of dirt

    Makes sense. Idk what cause the mud floor or dirt rain. I could not have been the government. I think it was God
  2. F

    Catacombs of Paris, Mud Flood Victims and Unidentified Dead. Reset?

    I think there was a massive extermination event around the year 1850 worldwide. It is weird that there is no very old cemeteries past 200 years. The city I live in the oldest cemetery is 150 years old. What you mean bn?
  3. F

    Catacombs of Paris, Mud Flood Victims and Unidentified Dead. Reset?

    Very interesting. i makes you wounder where are all the dead bodys is there is 15x more dead then alive people? weird. i think the Paris catacombs were actully a huge satanic ritual done by the king of the city. bringing all the bodys to the center