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  1. M

    Comment by 'maxresde' in media 'Cathedral of St. John and St. Finbar (View 1)'

    Hi, I searched around, but didn't really find a good thread to add this comment to. I just was reading a scholarly article about the ancient Mayans, and it was mentioning that for traders/travelers, looking from the top of their tall stone buildings that were taller than the surrounding trees...
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    Question | Ancients with a different profile, where are they?

    Just wanted to put a note here, I saw one of these people in real life at the store the other day. The profile was very striking. You would never mistake it for something else. I wish it would be possible to get a photo, but it would be weird to ask a stranger to take their picture.
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    Atmospheric electricity and building destruction in the 19th century

    I was just thinking recently, on the subject of atmospheric electricity, we know that even today you can extract electricity from the atmosphere with a long enough wire. I think this video shows someone extracting electricity with a long enough wire. In the video I saw on this subject way...
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    The forgotten people of Tahuglauk and Mozeemlek: 17th century North America

    This is nothing much, but I just wanted to note, I was thinking of Mozeemlek the other day and I realized it sounds quite similar to Mozambique. I suppose it is just a coincidence. But it seems odd. I can not think of any third location with a similar sounding name.
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    Question | Ancients with a different profile, where are they?

    Thanks. I agree. I was just looking them up. They originate from some particular town in Greece in the vicinity of Sparta. If these statues were faithfully copied, it seems like it would indicate the people in that place at that time must have had faces like this. So it seems that in N Africa...
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    Question | Ancients with a different profile, where are they?

    this seems to be the architect Henry Vaughan (architect) - Wikipedia This person may possibly also be involved Hammatt Billings - Wikipedia What further investigation would you recommend from this point? Just by the name, I think the 2nd one is most likely descended from the Pilgrims. But...
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    Question | Ancients with a different profile, where are they?

    i saw this carving last night. No one seemed to know who/what it represented.
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    Mud Flood, Dirt Rain, and the story of the Buried Buildings

    I know this is kind of a contrarian opinion, but I just wanted to put it out there for comment. I was looking at a photo on another thread of NYC in 1890s. It looked like there was a huge pile of trash in front of a building off to the side in the photo. It just made me think, what if the...
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    Question | Ancients with a different profile, where are they?

    I was just reading an article and I noticed this coin in the attached photo. It is another person with this strange, straight nose. 'The Roman Republic may have been long-lasting from 509 to 27 BC. However, it went through many upheavals, including the Great Social War. Here is a silver...
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    Mud Flood, Dirt Rain, and the story of the Buried Buildings

    I was just thinking about this supposed mud flood subject earlier today. There is a website I may have mentioned from time to time. It concerns archaeology in the SE USA. The author had mentioned last year- "we have mentioned town sites occupied at least as early as 1000 BC that were abandoned...
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    What happened to the Siberian forests 200 years ago?

    I don't know about Siberia, but on the subject of missing old trees in other areas, the area I grew up in in NE USA is today supposed to be as heavily forested as it was when Columbus arrived. But when I was a kid, I saw many old postcards in antique shops and places like that, depicting my own...
  12. M

    1900-1907: Apparatus for collecting atmospheric electricity. Patents.

    This second patent looks like it is using balloons to lift the wires high enough to catch the electricity. It reminds me of this youtube video. I think the guy says he had to go up over 200 feet to get a useable energy differential. I can't tell from this patent how high up the balloons are...
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    Atmospheric electricity and building destruction in the 19th century

    Hi, I just was searching to see if I could add to a thread I had suggested before, but I don't know if I did create a thread or I was just privately communicating with people. So I just looked to see what I could find about church steeples. I would tend to agree that steeples and atmospheric...
  14. M

    Question | Ancients with a different profile, where are they?

    Excellent, that is the very thread I was thinking of. As I wrote above, since seeing that, I have noted three live people with this appearance. They actually look a bit odd, but I guess people either don't remark on it, or more likely don't really even notice. People seem to be generally very...
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    Question | Ancients with a different profile, where are they?

    I was just reading the OP here. This is a bit tangential, but I wanted to point something out. Either here or the old site, I think there was a thread about some old American coins and stuff where the people on the coins had a particular profile where the forehead shoots straight into the bridge...
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    Indian Summers

    Thanks for moving this post. I came to add something. I read another book, a kind of travelogue by someone from England who was in America virtually at the same time as the author of the above book. A Journey to America in 1834 I noticed reading this guy's book, he is constantly remarking on...
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    Indian Summers

    Hi, I just wanted to put this into the record, but I wasn't sure what thread would fit best. I was reading this book about settling Canada in the early 1800s, and I came across some references to 'Indian Summer'. I had thought I knew what that was, but the phenomenon referred to seems to be...
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    Novaya Zemlya: Russians Hiding the Remnants of the Old World?

    Sorry about the picture. I still see it when I look. You have to expand the part at the top where it has a bunch of 'view attachment' things. Not sure why it looks like that. As for MV, I have heard that before. The population there and on Nantucket I think were basically all just a few families...
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    How did the sand get into the Sahara Region?

    I had read a blog post sometime ago, saying that in the 1600s there was a big earthquake in the southeast of the USA. The earthquake caused the ground to open up and it threw up a very thick layer of sand. It didn't say what the mechanism of the creation of the sand was, but I supposed it was...
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    Novaya Zemlya: Russians Hiding the Remnants of the Old World?

    Not to say that I disagree with the overall thrust of this thread, but the lines connecting those islands I think are just a normal side effect of ocean currents passing along the coasts of islands and moving deposits of sand and rock. This screenshot above is from Martha's Vineyard. You can...