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  • Gabriel - If you see this message know that I had terribly belatedly gotten your messages and I do sincerely apologize. By all means you were not being ignored it was definitely the circus around me so I do hope you see this.
    Shalom, Brother in Christ! My journey took me in the same direction as yours. If you will be in Chicago, let me know. I speak Russian as well!
    Shalom thanks for both comments, the update on life direction (glad to hear) and the offer. Yes so on the post below I had learned that KD speaks Russian hence the message; I have interest in many languages but actually myself speak Japanese; but it's great you can also speak Russian!
    @KorbenDallas You are Russian or at least half, and also speak Russian, correct? Here are some songs came across about a year ago; they are beautiful and pierces the soul. My mother always said Russians have a gift for artistic/creative expression - I agree and I appreciate.

    Thank you so much for your kindness. Nice music and words it is :)
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