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  • I'm not computer literate enough to tell. Couldn't pull this up on Starlink for about a year, now I can. That's what I know. Sorry to bother you with this.
    Well, as soon as I sent that note I realized I was on Starlink, which wouldn't bring this site up for a year. Maybe I'm the one being censored.
    Hey, KD, just wanted to let you know that I literally can't get this site on Starlink. We got a new router from them about a year ago and suddenly I couldn't get this blog. Recently I talked with JD on the "new" SH and he gave me the link, which I still couldn't pull up, but it came up on our old router. Glad you're still here but I wondered if you are being censored.
    I hope KorbenDallas sees what I wrote. This is an extremely global world history topic that solves many of the problems in history and chronology.
    "The whole world is built on the false "Greek" geography" Take a look please. :) Greetings from Bulgaria. The most hidden country in history. I don't know how to write in private and if it is correct here.
    Do you know what this means?

    Off center, upside down. Same ruin, but a restored or later added on gate. Do you know this?

    I would suspect this to be a variation of some medieval time period dated cross, but I have never seen one like this. Is it on a church, or what is this building?
    Cross is on a gate they build when excavating a ruin and claimed it to be a church. In reality it never was. And this gate is 15 meters away from main buikding which is in ruines. And mud flooded. No graves from before 1750 of any of these medeval "churches" (forts).
    I recently stumbled upon the Glastonbury Zodiac. Interesting in the very least, fascinating at best. After a site search only yielded two results (one re: the Glastonbury Tor, and another just mentioning Glastonbury in general), I wonder if you might have a look and consider opening a thread.
    I will remember this hurricane Ian for a long time :cool:.
    M Realm
    M Realm
    Good to hear you endured the storm! I was a bit worried about you knowing you had relocated to that area. Have you had a chance to do any investigating of the Rotonda, or Cape Coral? I presented some videos on the old forum in a few threads about the subject, concerning both. I hope things are working out there for you. All the best!
    Have you heard of the Great Flood in 1862 in the US? It was the largest flood in the recorded history of Oregon, Nevada, and California. The flooding lasted months. This is thought to be a cyclical event and it would be interesting to know what you can find, cause some say it may happen very soon.
    Loving your work on Tartaria!! Would you be willing to talk on my podcast?
    Thank you for your kind words. As far as podcasts go, this is not something I'm interested in at the moment.
    KD - sorry if this q is overasked, but how do you view the SH.net site? I was attracted to it only because this was down at one point, and while the name is similar the volume of undisciplined posting is of concern. Really appreciate what has been built and I'm not able to discern if the alt site is fully legit, thanks.
    I do not really follow SH.net, therefore am unable to comment on "undisciplined posting", or on the way it is being run. As I came to find out, any forum format is prone to drifting away from the intended topic. Keeping things as intended is a paramount task, and requires a certain amount of time, backbone and creativity. I think it's great that SH.net exists, because it continues to build awareness.
    KD, since I can't write any posts, I was wondering how can I send you some interesting info (5 Pages) on which I'd love your input and even more if you made a more detailed post with your amazing research :D. Do I post it here? Or I send it to some email? Or what?
    Hello. You can send it to thestolenhistory (at) gmail.com
    KD, do you have the thread/post that was your current "possibly entire explanation" kinda post, with Skylab in the title? It went over everything and was a good way to find your other posts in a tidy, organized manner. It was a great post btw I hope you didnt take it down! Am I just bad at searching this site? Hope all is well! Its cold as shit here in WA so hopefully youre staying healthy and warm! -Jess
    Will be back in about a month. Currently ended up with a bit more than I can handle. Getting multiple issues addressed.
    My wife of 44 years, her father was taken to the hospital in Mo., where they live, a week ago with flue like symptoms and they will not let my wife see her own father without the shot. After much consternation she got the Pfizer one, when she told me her decision I cried. May the angles watch over us because we are in the valley of death.
    Sounds like 10/19/2021 is gonna be the day when I get fired from the job I dedicated 15 years of my life to. I will not be Governor Inslee's lab rat. Not getting vaccinated with these experimental drugs.
    Both of my parents are hospitalized with some serious COVID labeled pneumonia. Last few days were a psychological hell. Not sure which way it's gonna go. There will be much less activity from me, but I'm monitoring when I can.
    Hi Korben. My name is David, and Im a Hungarian artist. I have just read your post about our timeline and the apocalypse event. Is there a way to talk to you somehow? I can prove your apocalypse theory and that the jesus event always results in a cataclysmic event. And many more.. Please get back to me. Many thanks for your post.
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