star fort

  1. StarForts: Pensacola Secret History. Fort Pickens. Phoenician cities.

    StarForts: Pensacola Secret History. Fort Pickens. Phoenician cities.

    If you are new too all of this it may be very easy for you to scoff at this but there is something deeper going on that mainstream history refuses to admit. Why is it so crazy to believe that the history we are taught is a lie?
  2. KorbenDallas

    1845: The Port of Marseille Ancient Tunnel or the Vieux-Port Tunnel?

    Found the below article saved up in one of my SH-1 days folders. Nothing came out of it back then. The piece is talking about some ancient tunnel that was allegedly "cleared" shortly prior to 1845. Here is my take on the below article: 1. There were rumors about the existence of the tunnel...