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Hi Korben. My name is David, and Im a Hungarian artist. I have just read your post about our timeline and the apocalypse event. Is there a way to talk to you somehow? I can prove your apocalypse theory and that the jesus event always results in a cataclysmic event. And many more.. Please get back to me. Many thanks for your post.
Glad to see you on here, old friend.
I must be a dum dum- I know I posted on the old forum but I can't figure out how to do it here. It tells me I don't have the priviliges?
To be clear- I can comment on someone else's but how can I start a new blog?
I do my own personal investigations with like minded people's. This I partially find fascinating that stand's out from the rest.
In time I hope to contribute. Our History has defiantly been Manipulated we can only surmise!
Do they seem like giants to you? The proportions seem off to me, I wish there were something to compare them to in this pic. Or a pic of the clothing in the hands of regular sized people?
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It's hard to say with nothing of known size to compare to. Look normal to me, but who knows?
Korben use the shoe length and tile size. If the cylinder objects are bullets they must go with a not familiar caliber. My experience tells me that the three are Calvary. Notice their feet, they are all standing in a trained fighting art stance.
I went digging, they are Russian Cossack. Thanks for the interest. You have a keen eye!
Any links to books that would give me a clue about what happened in SE China/Taiwan in 1640s or so - the emergence of the Qing? @Mabzynn once posted links from a book and reading it, I learned more about what really went on than in decades of "copy and paste" historical reading. I really should open up to this area more seriously. I've avoided it since I left the academy ten years ago.