Book | 1835: The Year 4338. Petersburg Letters

I highly recommend this short novel. After reading it, you might be able to get a better grasp on the supposedly omitted parts of our history. Just remember that the author wrote it in 1835. There was no possible way he could have known all the details of the life style, which appeared to be very similar to ours in 2018.


"The Year 4338: Petersburg Letters is an 1835 novel by Vladimir Odoevsky. It is a futuristic novel, set in the year 4338, a year before Biela's Comet was to collide with the Earth as computed in the 1820s although the comet burned up later in the nineteenth century. This work was originally conceived as the third part of a trilogy, which was also to have featured depictions of Russia in the time of Peter the Great and in the author's contemporary period, the 1830s. The first part was never written and the second and futuristic parts remained unfinished. Fragments were published in 1835 and 1840, with the fullest version appearing in 1926.


The world described in Odoevsky's work is in some respects similar to the 21st century and yet differs significantly from the present we currently encounter. Some of the technological advances included in the Petersburg Letters are air and space travel, the telephone, artificially controlled climates and the ability to photocopy. Hallucinogenic and truth drugs, in the forms of gaseous drinks and "magnetic baths" remove hypocrisy from social life. In this envisioned future, Russia and China are the centers of global power. Russia and China united their efforts to avoid Earth's collision with another planet. In the novel, China is described as having experienced a "deadly stagnation" which came to an end with the rule of Hin Gin in the 39th century. The main character of the story is actually a Chinese student, Ippolit Tsunguev, (not a Russian character, as might be expected) who attends St. Petersburg's "Main School". His letters to his fellow students constitute the novel." - Wikipedia


Note: attached is a PDF file with links to the translated text of the novel. You can also simply scroll down the PDF, and read the letters, but I think the links provide some additional content.


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I highly recommend this short novel. After reading it, you might be able to get a better grasp on the supposedly omitted parts of our history. Just remember that the author wrote it in 1835. There was no possible way he could have known all the details of the life style, which appeared to be very similar to ours in 2018.

"The Year 4338: Petersburg Letters is an 1835 novel by Vladimir Odoevsky. It is a futuristic novel, set in the year 4338, a year before Biela's Comet was to collide with the Earth as computed in the 1820s although the comet burned up later in the nineteenth century. This work was originally conceived as the third part of a trilogy, which was also to have featured depictions of Russia in the time of Peter the Great and in the author's contemporary period, the 1830s. The first part was never written and the second and futuristic parts remained unfinished. Fragments were published in 1835 and 1840, with the fullest version appearing in 1926.

The world described in Odoevsky's work is in some respects similar to the 21st century and yet differs significantly from the present we currently encounter. Some of the technological advances included in the Petersburg Letters are air and space travel, the telephone, artificially controlled climates and the ability to photocopy. Hallucinogenic and truth drugs, in the forms of gaseous drinks and "magnetic baths" remove hypocrisy from social life. In this envisioned future, Russia and China are the centers of global power. Russia and China united their efforts to avoid Earth's collision with another planet. In the novel, China is described as having experienced a "deadly stagnation" which came to an end with the rule of Hin Gin in the 39th century. The main character of the story is actually a Chinese student, Ippolit Tsunguev, (not a Russian character, as might be expected) who attends St. Petersburg's "Main School". His letters to his fellow students constitute the novel." - Wikipedia

Note: attached is a PDF file with links to the translated text of the novel. You can also simply scroll down the PDF, and read the letters, but I think the links provide some additional content.
Oleg Pavlyuchenko, an alternative history researcher (a lot of his research is on his youtube channel AISPIK), has proposed a theory of 2 major floods in 17 century and in mid-19 century. The first flood has destroyed Ancient civilization which did not disappear “thousands of years” according to O. Pavlyuchenko research. The tall Ancient 'Gods' (Half-gods /Hers/ Xer) have ruled the Earth merely 300 years ago. Check the Piranesi or John Martin paintings and you see that they were made just a few years after the Flood/Catastrophe/War of Gods (e.g the analysis of destruction, vegetation, and still saved materials eg roofs from wood etc etc.) The second flood in mid-19th century destroyed so called by Pavlyuchenko “Mid-flood” civilization to which evidence was censored to make it disappear as it had advanced technology such as free ‘ether’ electricity, weapons of mass destruction etc, ships like Liathan (was restored by British with some outdated technology of a paddle wheel, while the ship had a huge propeller they could not use ?could not start an original engine; or Japanese WWI restored fleet etc etc.)

Odoyevsky’s work was not perhaps completely imaginary as O. Pavlyuchenko suggests. Odoyevsky, among other authors, has used some Mid-flood document to write about it in a form of a psi-fi as it was the only way to keep it during a censorship time. At least we can get a hint what “Mid-flood” civilization looked like. The Odoyevsky piece tells the story about a Mid-flood civilization that had a social media of some sort and was awaiting a comet Biela to hit earth. Then a union of empires tried to shoot it down (while also conducting a war using weapons of mass destruction). There was something that went wrong with calculations and a comet Biella hit the second Earth’s moon Lel (Lellie). Both celestial objects destroyed Mid-flood civilization. We have many evidence to that, eg not many trees older than 200, pieces of Biella (yellow sand from Taklamakan to Sahara) and Lel (red sand in Australia) created deserts, buried floors of buildings around the world, mysterious WWI fleet of Japan (country which could not make it) with welded steel huge plates before welding was used for ships, dug out Subway systems, multiple railroads on maps before they were invented by official history etc etc.

Oleg Pavlychenko research combines many field expeditions around Ancient civilisation densities marked on 15th century maps with his group including engineers, technicians and other specialities that finds evidence of ‘stolen history’ and combines it with written and other artifacts. I will introduce this researcher from Russia if there is an interest.

Here is a short article by michael101063 about the second flood using material of Oleg Pavlyuchenko. I translated it mostly using google translate. I will try to post translated original Oleg’s research which is quite, I think, interesting. Hope this can make a better picture of our past.
I am always quite careful about both the exact dates of predictions of future events, and the exact dating of past events. Due to the concealment of the true history from us, we actually do not know the exact dates of global catastrophes of the past and can only guess about them, expressing our versions and assumptions. I want to tell you about one of these hypotheses related to the catastrophe happened in the mid-19th century.

A Russian researcher of the secrets of past civilizations, a member of ASPIK expeditions and the author of the channel of the same name, O. Pavlyuchenko, told about it. In his video he mentions:

"Was there a global catastrophe or, as they say, the Flood, of the mid-19th century? This question is of interest to many today. Of course, we will not find direct evidence of this in official historical science. Of course, today we have a lot of indirect evidence that, with a deep analysis, we can still add this evidence together to make some semblance of a real picture. The main material evidence we have is literally under your feet. This is the very bottom foundations of red-brick buildings in the cities around the world, covered with a uniform layer of yellowish clay. What do we have besides this?

There are a lot of "inconsistencies" and "white spots" in the official history of the first and second half of the 19th century. This is not to mention the earlier centuries. Even today, more and more versions of history appear, relating to territories that became separate countries from The Holly Roman Empire in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. That was ruled with a tetrarchy of monarchs (4 empires under one umbrella with two-headed Imperial eagle all over the world including both Americas) that established after the catastrophe of 17 century and dissipation of Kingdom of Kingdoms or in Turkic languages TarTaria. But as we now understand, the beginning of this process of modern history was laid after some event that took place in the 1840s. Then a single empire began to disintegrate, which included most of the Eurasian continent and both Americas ...

Today I will talk about the flood or global catastrophe that occurred on our planet around 1842. One of the most serious proofs of such dating is the radical change in the political situation in the world, which began already in 1848, i.e. 6 years after the Flood. But the global catastrophe was - "lasting" and it lasted about 3 years. The debris of a celestial body all this time kept falling on the surface of the Earth. In general, the 1840s divide the 19th century into two completely different eras ...

The world was destroyed and greatly weakened by the consequences of a global catastrophe ... Shortly before 1848, something happened in the world that confused all political maps and weakened the aristocratic circles of government. In my opinion, such events could only be a global catastrophe with grave consequences for the population, which immediately began an uprising against the aristocrats ... Research led me to the very cause of the catastrophe that occurred on September 12, 1842. In my opinion, it was Biela's comet. "

Indeed, many mysteries are associated with this comet. It was discovered in 1826. And in 1846, scientists discovered that the comet's nucleus split in two. According to the official version, in 1872, a meteor shower hit the Earth from fragments of this comet. But it should be remembered that the official version of history was pretty much "cleaned up" by falsifiers, just to conceal this very catastrophe, after which the world was redivided by new "elites".

Could the comet's initial destruction begin in 1842? Theoretically, of course, it could, if in 1846 the comet's nucleus had already been destroyed into two large fragments. How O. Pavlyuchenko figured the catastrophe happened on September 12, 1842? Why not on some other day or even other month? As per Pavlyuchenko, the core from the glacier on Mount Belukha, to which A. Kungurov and some other independent researchers referred in their studies, shows a very strong air pollution in 1842. But this fact can not give the exact date of this event.

I understand perfectly well that this is just a hypothesis, but I also repeat that I always treat any exact dating of events of the past and future with great caution and without fanatical belief. Personally, I believe that this catastrophe happened somewhere in the period 1840-1860. Well, given the level of distortion of past events, any more accurate dating can be considered only hypothetically.

The data available to independent researchers do not yet allow us to speak in the affirmative about any exact (up to a day) dating of this disaster. And this must be admitted. But I hope that in the future the situation will change and we, thanks to alternative history researchers, will be able to learn about the past much of what the falsifiers and their servants hide from us.
So called 'Leviathan' ship survived after the Flood/War of 1842 when Biella was shut down in a not completely as planned way and hit the Earth second moon Lel (I will translate a research from AISPIK about it in details). British tried to get that Mid-flood civilization ship moving but technology was lost. Great post KDSH - thank you for sharing.

Additionally wanted to comment on the translation of a Russian word meaning China. In Russian language China = Kytay which does not mean China (Cheena in Russian) as a country. see map. Kytay Tartary and China below. However, in Latin letters Kytay Tartary is translated as Chinesian Tartary. It should not be translated to Chinesian Tartary, but left as Kytay Tartary as there is a distinction in Russian between Kytay and China. Hippolytus was from Kytay Tartary, not China. That is why his name is TarTarian (TzarTzarian = Kingdom of Kingdoms; Tzar = King) - Hippolytus (Ipoit). He did not have Chinese name.


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