The Lost History of the Flat Earth

Decided to share this video. If you can get over the voice, you just might find one of the most fascinatingly compiled storylines pertaining to the history of our realm. The video is over 5 hours long, but these 5 hours will feel like Christmas for some.

* Backup: BitChute

The Moon part (being a composite reflection of the Earth) is real interesting, imho. If true, that's pretty crazy.


And what follows after the Moon theory is definitely worth watching.



KD: If you feel like it, please share your opinion.
This same exact video has been posted on a facebook group over and over the past week. I couldnt watch it cuz the accent is to hard for me to follow along.
I liked the section where they electrify isolated gases from the air and show that the colors are the same as a clouded sunset. Really well presented and edited. Took be a bit to get the accent. Is that a british russian hybrid? I cant tell, but after hearing it for 7 videos, it's grown on me as hilarious.

The triumphal arch magnet bit was well done as well.
Does any one know where to find the Sturgeous(?) maps-- referenced above?
The Moon part (being a composite reflection of the Earth) is real interesting, imho. If true, that's pretty crazy
I haven't seen this video you posted, but I am subbed to the moon guy:
It's an interesting concept, and there's lots of videos detailing how this would work with regards to the sun, seasons, etc. But like the "earth is a crater on the moon" speculations, I have no idea how you'd validate this. You're basically acknowledging that modern maps depicting the shape of the continents is bunk so then you can really make up whatever you like, as long as you have a few key places demarcated. I'm skeptical too that other continent size land masses could be unknown so close to the "known world." Wouldn't people possibly end up there by accident (unlike traveling to and "beyond" Antarctica)? And why aren't they included in the known world anyway? Perhaps they're submerged?

Plus, probably more importantly, I feel like this is sort of ignoring that the moon doesn't actually look much like that. If you color correct and play with contrast, you can get this appearance, but it's ignoring the finer details you can see in a great photo or through a telescope, which honestly doesn't look to me like a reflection of our physical realm at all. Honestly, I still think it kinda looks like a big rock, but maybe I just can't overcome my indoctrination or something...
I'm skeptical too that other continent size land masses could be unknown so close to the "known world." Wouldn't people possibly end up there by accident (unlike traveling to and "beyond" Antarctica)? And why aren't they included in the known world anyway?
I have hard time believing the moon map myself. As far as other lands go... I think our freedom of movement is a bit more controlled than it appears at first glance. For starters, there is a handful of people who can afford this type of travel. Than we have various strategic zones falling under different "national interest" doctrines. I doubt any ship can go wherever it simply wants to. These lands do not officially exist, and one would have to wear a tin foil hat to even start looking for them. Additionally, distances our sea vessels can travel are fuel limited. I imagine such fuel related issues could be solved by bringing a fuel tanker along, but such capabilities are indicative of a serious expedition. Methinks, initiatives of this nature would alert the controllers...
  • Airplanes are much easier to control for obvious reasons.
That brings us to the point where only a state sponsored/allowed expedition could pull this off. And if controllers do exist, this will never happen without their permission.
Does any one know where to find the Sturgeous(?) maps-- referenced above?
I found the below video, and it's linked to this Vibes of Cosmos YT channel.

Definitely advances past the crater earth theory, keeps alive the magnetic/ toroidal theory, douses once again all the familiar lies and hoaxes regarding the moon and earth and that final frontier called space, and generally blows my mind.

I wish his tone were more scientific-- although he is most rational. It comes off like a Bach fugue played with chainsaws. Ah...the wonders of the hoi poli sinking their teeth into high theory.

As for seems to me that TPTB hope to trek onto other continents. They should be captured and forced to confess. Easy to do: just force them to live in an apartment made of glue-wood until they loosen their tongues.

We philosophical types are still left with a raging question: why is there something rather than nothing?

I'm hoping we mystery history types are rewarded with a journey to the Enochian land of the righteous.
I really do not know what to make of this character and like others find his voice to be a little grating and recognise it from somewhere but can't for the life of me figure where.

One helpful trick is to speed up the vids buy .25, he has seemed to have slowed or speeded up some of his vids, why he would do this i do not know.

I like the info but II feel there is something up with the presenter, i hope I am wrong because I both agree and like the content, it is after all what we have been coming to these forums for for the last couple of years.
I really do not know what to make of this character and like others find his voice to be a little grating and recognise it from somewhere but can't for the life of me figure where.

One helpful trick is to speed up the vids buy .25, he has seemed to have slowed or speeded up some of his vids, why he would do this i do not know.

I like the info but II feel there is something up with the presenter, i hope I am wrong because I both agree and like the content, it is after all what we have been coming to these forums for for the last couple of years.
like I was saying to KD, in a tartarian group I am in on facebook there is someone posting this in other peoples posts. And I have seen it posted few times on the main page. I got the feelings the approach was spammy. So it kinda turned me off. I have a problem when sum1 lumps together everything into one giant narrative too. Mudflood, Giants, Annukaki, Tartaria, Reset. I find that muddys the water and makes all this even harder to believe. I have seen a few youtubers having this same approach as well.
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What's interesting, is that if we are on a larger realm that is frozen in 3/4 of it's surface area always, it means we as a species are constantly setting out on an Age of Discovery every 7,000 years or so to find the new lands that are old that are thawing out.

Is the mars mission a cover for attempting to reach some of these places and make a colony to prepare for the future? Or find old tech and cities?

Are "aliens" just humans that stayed behind in shelters underground that were subsequently changed by the loss of magnetism for 20k years?

Also, is there an overlap/settlement period where new lands are discovered by pioneers with limited resources, only to be ultimately backed up by high tech transfers to stabilize the balance of power towards the people that came from the previous civilization? Is that what happened here in America in the past?

Are they going to sell us this "climate change so we must find other planets" line but really just be flying us to literally another section of the plane we are on? Then lie to the new generations?
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What is old is new again - interesting if you re-read the Past History Book of Enoch (Which never made it into the Bible- I guess Enoch was a flat Earther too ;). )

A few "clips" - Chapter 18 notes. 18:2. I surveyed the stone which supports the corners of the earth. (My Note - I did not think a globe had corners) 3. I also beheld the four winds, which bear up the earth, and the firmament of heaven. 4. And I beheld the winds occupying the exalted sky. 8. I perceived at the extremity of the earth the firmament of heaven above it. Then I passed on towards the south;11. And there I saw a place on the other side of an extended territory, where waters were collected.

skip to: Chapter 33

1. From thence I advanced on towards the north, to the extremities of the earth.
2. And there I saw a great and glorious wonder at the extremities of the whole earth.
3. I saw there heavenly gates opening into heaven; three of them distinctly separated. The northern winds proceeded from them, blowing cold, hail, frost, snow, dew, and rain.
4. From one of the gates they blew mildly; but when they blew from the two other gates, it was with violence and force. They blew over the earth strongly.

Enoch writes about the windows in the firmament; the fires, the weather and the sweet smelling trees, the moon and stars - actually understanding what angels showed him / visions - the book contains where souls go and if they make up areas around the earth. Just read it with an open mind and see if anything connects with you. Here is one link of the Book:
Wondering if this hypothesis could somehow be factored in.

Experiment 42 sub section 7.

“a posthuman simulator would have enough computing power to keep track of the detailed belief-states in all human brains at all times. Therefore, when it saw that a human was about to make an observation of the microscopic world, it could fill in sufficient detail in the simulation in the appropriate domain on an as-needed basis. Should any error occur, the director could easily edit the states of any brains that have become aware of an anomaly before it spoils the simulation. Alternatively, the director could skip back a few seconds and rerun the simulation in a way that avoids the problem.”



  • Computer_Simulation_paper_revised.pdf
    318 KB · Views: 777
Experiment 42 sub section 7.

“a posthuman simulator would have enough computing power to keep track of the detailed belief-states in all human brains at all times. Therefore, when it saw that a human was about to make an observation of the microscopic world, it could fill in sufficient detail in the simulation in the appropriate domain on an as-needed basis. Should any error occur, the director could easily edit the states of any brains that have become aware of an anomaly before it spoils the simulation. Alternatively, the director could skip back a few seconds and rerun the simulation in a way that avoids the problem.”

I wonder if the rewind would cause deja vu?
It seems to me that the possibilities listed by @AnthroposRex are quite reasonable.

In fact, most flat earth arguments are reasonable, and so are the speculations that follow.

Flat earthers are attacked by capital S science (although they practice the scientific method most rigorously); they are attacked by the UFO crowd (although they look the hardest at that vacuum chamber, commonly fantasied as space); and they are attacked by the mytho-poetic alternative spiritual crowd (although they themselves are the least dogmatic--and let's hope they stay this way).

The worst argument made is probably the best argument for a non-flat earth situation. It goes like this: You're locked in sensible 3-D reality and don't understand the cosmos or the toroidal field or whatever. Maybe a hearty round of psychedelics can give us all a vision of the cosmos within and without. But do we really need it when we are stunned by the wake up of our senses? By the recognition of our own capacity to reason independently of capital S science, Star Trek fantasies and esoteric mythologies?

Of course, it remains possible, as Descartes once imagined, that all is controlled by an evil genius-- or as the Beatles put it (see above).
And if that is true? Who cares? We can only keep asking questions and looking at the evidence. Whoever wrote Aristotle asserted: "Thinking is the greatest pleasure." Flat earthers are thinking and wondering. Who needs a guru when you can do that?

Note: I bolted up to make this rant while listening to John Lamb Lash discuss the Mandela effect (#40). His otherwise gripping discussion goes apoplectic at the thought that people think we live on something other than, well, you know.
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Decided to share this video. If you can get over the voice, you just might find one of the most fascinatingly compiled storylines pertaining to the history of our realm. The video is over 6 hours long, but these 6 hours will feel like Christmas for some.

KD: If you feel like it, please share your opinion.

That was a fascinating video and so well researched. Hs accent is from the south of England (I was born in the UK). I espeially enjoyed the part about red mercury and the aether. I must read up about this.
The more you dig the more you realized how many lies have been perpetrated and that we have, been through a reset or resets and now "they" want to do it again.
The only thing that jarred a bit is the flat earth concept. To me is seems "natural" that the planet would be a sphere - torus / toroidal sphere, but then I begin to wonder how much of what I know, is the truth.
2020 was a year of discarding views that I thought were true and I am sure I will have to continue to do so. I love truth more than ever.
Thank you for posting this..
I gave this another shot. I am one hour in and I am impressed. You guys were right. It took me a while to be able to keep up w the accent but I can understand all that he says now.

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