Bizarre transformation of the North American Continent: 16th through 19th centuries

There are many similar definitions of what a map is. This is just one of those, "A description of the earth, or some particular part thereof, projected upon a plain superficies; describing the form of countries, rivers, situation of cities, hills, woods, and other remarks." Single maps are often included within a bundle of maps comprising a geographical atlas.

We are going to look at some very old maps. The general opinion of today's scientists is that cartographers of the past were some sort of practical jokers. Here is what National Geographic says, "Inventing cities, mountains, and monsters to fill the empty spaces on maps is a centuries-old tradition in cartography." This is very similar to how the appearance of the old maps was explained to me, when I went to school.

Obviously some of the older maps have purely decorative meaning in our today's life. Do we think that maps served decorative purposes back in the day when GPS systems were not available? I believe at the time of their creation, those maps were nothing but a useful tool upon which the lives of seafarers (and other navigators) depended. Saying obvious things is ridiculous, but maps were always used for navigation prior to the emergence of GPS. Under certain circumstances they are being used nowadays. And for that, they have to be as accurate as possible. Accuracy does not include making up lands, rivers, cities and other objects.

Yet, we are being spoon fed this non-sense about creative fantasy of the cartographers of the past. At the same time, when you look at the 16th, 17th, 18th century maps, you can't help it but notice, that continents looked very different. And our traditional scientists limited by their dogmatic teachings found an explanation. In their opinion, the smartest minds of the past were faking the world geography. My opinion is insignificant, but I disagree.

Not going to talk about the map making process itself, but if you are interested - The Cartographic Process - there you go.

Let us take a look at how the North American continent was changing its outline with time. I just picked up a few maps pertaining to different time frames to illustrate the changes. Please notice obvious visual attributes shared by the suggested groups. It also appears there was enough time to notice a map discrepancy. Yet the maps stay consistent through out their respective time frames.

Clearly there could be a "bad apple" cartographer now and then. If there was only one person creating maps, it could be easy to fool people with false information. But as the history shows there were multiple people contributing to the creation of the maps in the past. And when you have thousands of ships sailing the world, it would not take long for the truth to come out.

This is preposterous to think that cartographers, and map makers of the past would willingly place any false information on a map.
  • First of all, it would not take long for one of those seafarers sent (in a flimsy wooden ship) to explore some fantasy world created by a malicious cartographer to come back. I could only imagine what a captain of some ship, who spent a couple of years at sea, would do to such a cartographer. It's not hard to understand that false maps could spell death under certain circumstances.
  • And secondly, it is simply bad for business. Who would buy your maps, if they cannot be used for their only purpose?
How long would you use a GPS which is 50 miles off, or simply displays non-existent roads? In reality, this is what happens to some people when their navigation system provides as much as inaccurate information.

1570 - 1611 - 1630 - 1642 - 1652
1570 Typus Orbis Terrarum..jpg 1611 - Pieter van den Keeres 1611.jpg 1630 Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula..jpg 1642 Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica Ac Hydrographica Tabula.jpg 1652 Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula.jpg

Some of the above maps are the last ones to contain Hyperborea, the circular continent you can see in the below 1595 Mercator map.


1664 - 1682 - 1700 - 1714 - 1716 - 1744
(California is an island)
1664_Nova_et_Accuratissima_Terrarum_Orbis_Tabula.jpg 1682 Nova Orbis Tabula, in Lucem Edita, A.F. de Wit.jpg 1700 Planisphaerium terrestre cum utroque coelesti hemisphaerio.jpg 1714 Mappe monde  Suivant les nouvelles observations de Messrs..jpg 1716 Planiglobii Terrestris Cumutroq Hemisphaerio Calesti..jpg 1744 Planisphaerium coeleste. A.C. Seutter delin. Andr. Silbereisen Sculps.jpg

1750 - 1752 - 1762 - 1762
(Mer de l'Ouest)
1750 par Joseph-Nicolas Delisle.jpg 1752_carte_generale_fonte.jpg 1762 by J D Robert Janvier..jpg 1762_map.jpg
Note: "Mer de l'Ouest ("Western Sea"), originally the goal of exploration during the French regime, was the stuff of wishful thinking obligingly corroborated by Indians. Initially thought to be an inland sea somewhere west of the Great Lakes, it gradually blended in imagination with the Pacific." - enjoy the official version.

1772 - 1785
1772_Vaugondy_-_Diderot_Map_of_North_America_^_the_Northwest_small.jpg 1785 Zatta Map of North America_1.jpg

1796 - 1803 - 1815 - 1831 - 1852
(starts to look somewhat normal)
1796-Reid_John.jpg 1803-malte-brun.jpg 1815_Brue_Adrien Hubert.jpg 1831_Finley_Anthony.jpg 1852 The World At One View.jpg
KD: I think there is an obvious, and consistent transition from one continental outline to the next. Sure enough, it is more convenient to explain the above transformation with the official speculative theory provided in the very beginning of this article. Personally, I doubt that cartographers of the old were making stuff up. Obviously there could be a certain degree of error, but not to the point of ridiculous re-carving of the map.

What if continents looked exactly the way they were depicted on the above maps? Could something cause the water levels to rise?

Just may be, the North American continent suffered a catastrophic event (along with the rest of the World). Map makers and Cartographers were desperately trying to reflect on the current state of things while the N. A. Continent was still changing its outline. In the 19th century the outline finally stabilized.

Could it be an event, or events similar in scale to ones which caused the below?
I cannot believe the balls of these quackademics to discredit these ancient pioneers of map making by calling their work fictional. As an amateur map researcher i have studied many old and new maps and even though their degree accuracy was a bit off they still made these fantastic maps with mathematical calculations only. They based them on travel logs, captain's journals, their own travels and older sources. And look how accurate they are. If you try to find a feature from these old maps using longitudinal grids and superimpose them on new maps you can find those objects. Pretty accurate i would say. It is an affront to hard working cartographers to call their work fictional.

As for the NA map, you can see their process of exploration through various iterations of the map, because in their 16th century they had only explored the east and center of America, but the west side was still unknown. During their 18th century they had already mapped out most of it including the West Sea. Many people will probably not believe there was a sea there merely 300 years ago, but studying old and new maps looking for traces of catastrophy i have discovered that this sea was indeed real. Better yet i have discovered traces of its flooding and sediments as it traveled south. You see, from topographical studies i have determined that the cataclysm was in the form of a massive shockwave with a point of origin in the north, that traveled all around the planet and dissipated at the south pole. The shockwave pushed all global waters in a southward motion, with huge tidal waves flooding lands, razing everything and spilling into the oceans. We see traces of this disaster especially in the northern hemisphere, but some traces of it are found in the southern one too.
As a result of the shockwave, the north sea invaded northern Europe, Siberia and Tartaria, North America was flooded from the north, Hudson bay spilled into the great lakes which in turn spilled south into the Golf of Mexico and the Mediteranean Sea washed away the jungles of North Africa and Arabian peninsula and left a trail of sand and clay in its wake. If you look carefully on google earth and examine all the northern beaches in the world you will see traces of sand and mud deposits on them as well as huge flood scars. This is what truly ended the so called tartarian age. Where the ice caps came from i have no idea... Yet.

The West Sea existed in the great valley of British Columbia, between the two mountain chains and stretched all the way south over the Washington state. When the shockwave hit, the sea spilled over Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, California, Arizona, and poured into the Pacific in the south-west. The Nevada and Arizona deserts were caused by the flooding and sand deposits of this sea. The salt lakes of Utah are puddle remnants of this great sea. Also you can see the spill way of the Great Lakes, going south through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, Arkansaw, Mississippi and Louisiana, coming to rest in the Gulf of Mexico. The evidence is right there in our aerial photography maps.
The reason the californian cities were spared is because the Sierra Nevada Mountains acted as a barrier from the spilling sea. San Francisco was intact after the cataclysm, as early 19th century photographs show.
I have included a study of how i think the flood waters moved across the land during the cataclysm.
Regarding the discrepancies in the map quality and information, i think that the elites have made a cut in the historic record at the end of their 18th century and appended our "19th century" upon that. As you can see in this article as well, 18th century maps have the West Sea, 19th century maps dont, and have other discrepancies too. I think we are missing about 300 years of history, that was the tartarian industrial evolution and the disaster happened sometime in OUR so called 18th century.

North America - flood cataclysm study.jpg

These old maps are the biggest treasures of knowledge that humanity has left of the old world. We must save them with care!
I am not sure if this was posted here earlier but this site has a lot of research about California being an island.

I'm quoting the synopsis from this website
The California as an island map gives us a snapshot of the Western United States and Mexico toward the beginning of the ice age. The Grand Canyon has not yet formed, and the uplift of the Western states has not begun. Only two major western mountain ranges have formed: The Rockies and the Wasatch range. The Sierra Nevada range and the coastal range do not appear on the map, and in light of the accuracy of the map in general, we can be fairly confident that this is because they were not yet there. Why is this important to young earth creationist? This is the smoking gun that shows that the Atlantic Rift, the Sierra Nevadas and Coastal Range, the Western States uplift, and the Grand Canyon, were formed, not millions of years ago, but in historical times. Most important is that the map stands on its own. Creationists cannot be accused of manufacturing it because it has been around for over four hundred years and is based on sources obviously thousands of years old. Evolutionists have no way to respond to this except to ignore it or call it a myth. But the accuracy of the map and the details it reveals testify to its validity.

There is also a smaller post scriptum about the location of atlantis on the bottom of California As An Island, again i'm quoting the first paragraph here:

Post Script - Another Island Deemed to be Mythological
The suggestion that Atlantis was an actual historical event will cause academia to smirk and roll their eyes. However, while studying the Pacific Ocean for California as an island, I began to wonder if we could determine the location of Atlantis in the Atlantic ocean. As it turns out, we can. Most of what we know about Atlantis comes from Plato, who describes it in much detail in two plays: "Timaeus" and "Critias". From the Wikipedia section on Critias we learn: "The Egyptians, Plato asserted, described Atlantis as an island comprising mostly mountains in the northern portions and along the shore, and encompassing a great plain of an oblong shape in the south "extending in one direction three thousand stadia [about 555 km; 345 mi], but across the center inland it was two thousand stadia [about 370 km; 230 mi]." Fifty stadia [9 km; 6 mi] from the coast was a mountain that was low on all sides ... broke it off all round about ... the central island itself was five stades in diameter [about 0.92 km; 0.57 mi]."

Jon Levi email
And we have an email sent to youtuber JonLevi talking about people fighting giants from islands next to California "88 years after america was made famous" which you can see for yourself


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