The Great Sphinx of Giza and its Mystery Chambers

I wanted to briefly cover hidden chambers, cavities or shafts (whatever you wanna call them) located within the Sphinx statue. To be honest, I am not sure why such cavities are a big deal, but apparently they are. The existence of internal chambers is not a secret, but details, for whatever reason, are not advertised by the PTB.
  • I am not talking about Edgar Cayce's Hall of Records, because, unless he had access to some older data, his claims are nothing but speculations for me. Do they warrant an investigation? They probably do, but by the nature of where we received this Hall of Records info, I doubt there is anything we can find. I could be wrong, but in this case I would love to see some older texts talking about such chambers.
    • I do not believe in prophets. I think there are those who know, and those who don't. It's easy to be a prophet when you are the one who knows.
  • The Egyptian Government is clearly creating a lot of hype around everything related to the alleged antiquities. In the process, they are boosting their local tourism, imho. As far as ancient tech goes... logic says if there was any left, the place would have been off limits. If there ever was such a thing as ancient tech at the Giza Plateau, most of it was probably removed by the Napoleon's scientists. Well, if there is any such tech left there, we will never find out anyways.
The Sphinx
The Sphinx is a monolith carved into the bedrock of the plateau, which also served as the quarry for the pyramids and other monuments in the area. The nummulitic limestone of the area consists of layers which offer differing resistance to erosion (mostly caused by wind and windblown sand), leading to the uneven degradation apparent in the Sphinx's body. The lowest part of the body, including the legs, is solid rock. The body of the animal up to its neck is fashioned from softer layers that have suffered considerable disintegration. The layer in which the head was sculpted is much harder.
  • c. 1798: Denon, archeologist attached to Napoleon's Egyptian expedition, measures the Sphinx.
    • It took them no time to find that hole in the head.
  • A number of "dead-end" shafts are known to exist within and below the body of the Great Sphinx, most likely dug by treasure hunters and tomb robbers.
  • Prior to 1925, a large gaping shaft similar to these existed on the top of the Sphinx's head. It is believed to have possibly been an anchoring point for a sculpted crown or headdress added during the period of the New Kingdom.
Fortunately, we have other articles you normally would not run into, unless searched for specific words. One of such articles says that there is a number of known passages, holes, tunnels and chambers inside the Giza Spinx. Some are of known origin but others are not. These cavities were created over a period of thousands of years until very recently, by the people re-carving the giant Sphinx of Giza, treasure hunters and others.
Some Photographs
I have to admit that we do not appear to have any credible inside photographs of the known cavities. There were a few similar to this one, but I'm not sure what we are being shown. Not surprisingly, we have plenty of the outside images.

So, this here is an opening on the back of the Sphinx. As you can see, our pseudo-scientist Zahi Hawass is sticking his lying head into it. I am not sure, but, may be, this is what he saw in there.


The hole in the top of the head looks like this.


This here is, allegedly, a photograph taken in 1925. It is being claimed that this whole is 5 feet deep. May be it is.


Some of the older texts below will confirm that the above head hole was only about 5 feet deep, but judging by the photo below, the head could still be hollow.


The back opening is my favorite one, because they created so much publicity around this "Mystery Hole", yet we still appear to have no clue what's in there. I could be wrong, but I failed to find anything conclusive.

So, this lady is like, "What's in there"?


And our Zahi "Lying Head" Hawass could probably say something like that:
  • This shaft is short and leads to a dead end.
The reason I think he could say this is because I did not see any other person climbing out of this hole.


And then we have an opening on the side of the Sphinx. If you find more info on this one, please share, because this is all I could find:
  • The third tunnel is known only from an unpublished photo made in 1926. (???)
  • It is located on the north side near the middle and has been covered with brickwork in later restorations.

QUESTION: Where are the photographs of the insides of these chambers?
Older Texts
After searching for a little while, I did not find any (our time) articles referring to older texts. While I do know that older texts lie too, I also know, that the volume of historical lies we have today, far supersedes the past. Let's see what we have in those older texts.













1913-14 Article
Professor G. A. Reisner, of Harvard University, who has been making a scientific examination of that mysterious Egyptian monument known as the Sphinx, has made several notable discoveries, which it is hoped will contribute materially towards the elucidation of a problem that has puzzled the ages.
  • Inside the Sphinx he found a temple dedicated to the sun. It is older than any of the Pyramids, and its date is somewhere about 6,000 B.C., the most ancient in Egyptian history. Mena, of Menes, as his name is sometimes spelled, was the first king of Egypt of whom modern scientists have discovered historic record.
  • The tomb of Mena the king who made himself a god, had who fashioned the Sphinx, is also within it. There are tunnels leading into caverns which have not yet been penetrated, for the work has only been going on for some six months. The Sphinx is carved out of the natural rock, but within are the caves and buildings of a city of gold, which was, perhaps, once open to the air.
  • At present the excavations are confined to the chamber in the head This chamber is 60ft' long by 14ft. wide. It is connected by tunnels with the temple of the sun, which rests within the paws of the Sphinx. Such relics as the "Crux Ansata" symbol of the sun are found by the hundreds. Several of these are gold, and some have wires for tiny bells, which, when sounded by the priests, summoned up ghosts.
  • Inside the Sphinx are also tiny pyramids, although the Sphinx was built long before the Great Pyramids. A pyramid in those days was a sundial, according to Professor Reisner, and the Sphinx was a sun god. The pyramid of Cheops is an absolutely accurate timekeeper. According to Professor Reisner, Egypt is one vast city, the edge of which only has been scratched, and the interior of which probably never will be disclosed.
    • The Northern Territory Times and Gazette was a newspaper in Darwin established in 1873 and closed in 1932. The paper was called The Northern Territory Times and Gazette from 1873-1927 and then the Northern Territory Times from 1927-1932.

I don't know what to think about the above article. I do not believe in stuff like "everything was a temple" and "its date is somewhere about 6,000 B.C.", but George Andrew Reisner did exist. The PTB wiki-article has nothing about his "inside the sphinx" adventures, but he clearly was involved with studying the statue. He was not ridiculed by the establishment

It looks like there was also an article published in 1913. This one came from:

Just like I said, I do not know what to think about this 1913-14 claim. What's your opinion?
Links and Sources:

KD: LOL, this stuff is ridiculously crazy. The Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities appears to be corrupt to its core. It's funny that they placed tourism and antiquities under the same umbrella.
  • Whatever the true history of this Sphinx statue could be, we are getting none of it. Those running the show are not stupid, but the intellect of some of the professional pseudo-historians is highly questionable.
We are being told that Sphinx is supposed to be 4,500 years old. A few cucumbers went even further, and gave it 800,000 years of age. Meanwhile, some honest dude in 1741 wrote this.

Of course, Sphinx had to wait until our times to start falling apart.
As far as the internal Sphinx chambers go, historians told us nothing. Do they even know anything themselves?
  • They have been "studying" Sphinx for how long?
  • Where are photographs of the chambers?
  • What do we know about the insides of the Sphinx in 2021?

And finally, if you wanna have a good laugh, watch this comedy show. Two dudes were trying to recreate Sphinx's missing nose, albeit a much smaller one, using the so-called "original tools"... see what happened...

- deleted from youtube -
Ive heard ppl speculate the head was reshaped at some point and was originally a jacket or canine. Id say if anything it would be a feline with wings, even with a humanoid head its wings are missing.
We are being told that Sphinx is supposed to be 4,500 years old. A few cucumbers went even further, and gave it 800,000 years of age.
What?? Holy cow, i'm familiar with the current bs date and the dates of the ancient aliens retards in the 100,000 range but this is pure insanity, or peak archeology lol.

This is becomming a trend recently, for certain "truthers" to backdate everything into these ridiculous big numbers, like i tought the hole young dryas thing was crap enough but no, it gets worse

The question would be, why?? What is the new agenda at play
Well... there's this guy, Robert M. Schoch, a professor at Boston University,
Wikipedia referred to one of his theories, also held by others, as "fringe theories" so naturally I was interested.

"The Sphinx water erosion hypothesis is a fringe claim, contending that the Great Sphinx of Giza and its enclosing walls eroded primarily due to ancient floods or rainfalls,"

They have it wrong, though, at least in the case of Schoch. He was saying that there are clear signs of water erosion on the Sphinx and on the walls around the Sphinx indicating that there was a considerable amount of rain fall.


He's saying that because of the signs of water erosion the Sphinx must be older than is normally claimed, but he believes in the Younger Dryad and all the conventional crap. I'm sure we can point to more recent times in which there might have been cause for water erosion on the Sphinx and its surrounding walls.

Robert M. Schoch: The Great Sphinx

On that page he makes this statement...
"During the seismic studies we also discovered evidence of a cavity or chamber under the left paw of the Sphinx. For what it is worth, some have suggested to me that this may be a "Hall of Records" (at the time I was not aware of Edgar Cayce's predictions along these lines). Additionally, we found some lesser (and previously known) cavities under and around the Sphinx, and the data also indicates that there may be a tunnel-like feature running the length of the body."

Then he goes on to say that he believes the current head was carved down from the original head which he thinks was a lioness, which leads to this page...

Robert M. Schoch: Mehit

In which he backs up his theory about the head of a lioness, called Mehit, related to the Pharaoh Kufu. There's a lot of conventional stuff coming from this "fringe theorist" but I get a kick out of this statue of the vizier Hemiunu...


who's got some pretty big boobs for a dude. Could this be related to the baphomet image I'm sure you are familiar with? Anyway, he uses the engraving on that statue, as in the following picture, to justify his lioness claim.


Not too much about tunnels in all that, other than his claim to have found indications of one through his ground sounding methods.

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