Question #1: Did you know that between 2008 and 2011, British scientists have secretly created more than 150 human-animal hybrid embryos?
Question #2: What information do you think is being hidden within the vaults of the Secret Archives of the Vatican Library? And why would books be getting destroyed now and then?
Disclaimer #1: If you can decipher every single riddle from the Second Dream-Vision of Enoch (chapters LXXXV through XC without doubting yourself), you do not need to read anything below this line. Well, may be the 19th century part you do.
Disclaimer #2: I thought my craziest articles were written before. I have to rescind my previous claims, for I think this is the craziest one. Presented below is a hypothetical non-sense I am currently leaning to. With the totality of circumstances, historical inconsistencies, questionable and unverifiable scientific claims taken into consideration, this is how the dots connect for me.
Disclaimer #3: I was playing with this specific article for over a week now. After hours of typing I understood that my regular approach was not gonna work here. I am not a book writer, and putting together an 800 page novel is the last thing I want to do. Below will be a short version of my thoughts on the issue, with some supportive materials. There will be minimal amounts of descriptive information. Each one of the below bullets could have pages of supportive information.
Disclaimer #4: As this is a conceptual approach, my main goal will be to break down the sequence of events as I see it at the moment. I will use some conventional dates, but those will primarily be used to visualize my hypothetical time line. This article is not for the beginners, but rather for advanced users of Stolen History.
Disclaimer #5: I believe that the Bible (including various sources of other religions) is a watered down version of the World History. This version was completely stripped of the technological aspect, with only spiritual and ethical aspects remaining.
Disclaimer #6: Bear with me throughout this entire article. It will require some thought and patience.
Note #1: I do not like using Biblical texts, but we are going to start off with times requiring us to use the Scripture. No matter how convoluted, but those are some of the few pieces of information pertaining to the distant past we can lean on. I understand that the question of credibility will always be up in the air.
Note #2: The Book of Enoch (text) is an apocryphal text and is not a part of the traditional Biblical Canon. Yet, it is a part of the Ethiopian Canon. Enoch, the son of Jared and the father of Methuselah, was the seventh generation from Adam. Noah was Enoch's great grandson, making Enoch, Noah's great grandfather.
This lady here has an interesting video on the topic, as well. She might be lacking in concept, but does a pretty good job describing her visual aids.
The Book of Enoch did not play the main part in my concept, but did help to piece certain things together. I am not going to try to change opinions about this text. Understanding the importance of this book requires doing some homework. I am a firm believer that there is a reason why this text could never survive within our traditional Bible.
4. Sun, Moon and StarsThe Sun, Moon, other Planets and Stars are not what we are traditionally taught they are. These are parts of the Earth clockwork mechanism providing for the support of the environment within our enclosure. There is a description of how it could work provided (allegedly) by Enoch. It will require a sharp person to figure out how everything works in there.
Angels' wrongdoings:
Jubelees 7:24: And after this they sinned against the beasts and birds, and all that moves and walks on the earth: and much blood was shed on the earth, and every imagination and desire of men imagined vanity and evil continually.
KD opinion on the above #1: Essentially we had this "SkyLab" which created our Earth, its environment, humans and creatures. The "SkyLab" was naturally situated outside of the Earth Enclosure (dome if you will) but the lab staff was able to visit and inspect/work as was needed. This "SkyLab" had a strict hierarchy, where "God" was the top official. Whether this "God" was a sole commander, or some sort of a Board of Directors is irrelevant. "God" was in charge of the operations. They had multiple departments in charge of various areas of development. Both scientific and military capabilities can both be traced.
A group of the "SkyLab" rogue scientists and soldiers (Fallen Angels) decided to break the protocol. They went into the Earth Enclosure and altered the originally designed humans. I doubt that they went down to have sex due to the daughter's of men being fair. There was clearly a discussion between Samyaza and his subordinates on whether to proceed with the plan, and conduct this "incursion" or not.
We have to read between the lines here. You do not run around messing with genetics while having a stone axe attached to your loincloth. It was a highly educated society which killed itself off with their own inventions and genetic experiments. They, most likely, had everything we have today X ∞ (infinity). Their technology had to be outside of anything we can possibly imagine. Science Fiction on drugs comes to mind. The reason they were so advanced was due to them receiving all the tech and knowledge from those (SkyLab Gods) who created them, and their environment. They could create a biorobot, and introduce mind, intelligence, morals and feelings into it. They could make it look whatever they wanted it to look, out of the material of their choice. And their own creations put an end to their world via the actual SkyLab scratching the project to start it over.
Important: One of the biggest mistakes could be us picturing the pre-flood world looking similar to the image below.
In my opinion, that pre-Flood world had to look something like Naboo from the Star Wars.
Most everything on Earth was genetically corrupt. I think there were other "righteous" (aka genetically pure) individuals on Earth. Yet, somebody with enough authority to wipe out everything on Earth, God was not powerful enough to simply say "Puff, I wish all the impurity to vanish." Questioning God's capabilities is blasphemous, but we have to be real instead of hiding behind the "divine intent" excuses.
The general picture of Noah and his Ark, coming to mind, should probably look something like this.
At the same time, if there was ever such a thing as the Noah's Ark, then given my suggested technology levels of the time, it had to look similar to the craft below.
Or may be like this, given the looks of the interior of our Great Eastern Leviathan.
I would not exclude this type of an Ark either.
Well, one way or the other, there was an event of the enormous magnitude and importance. In Scriptures, other Religions and Myths it became known as the Great Flood, or Deluge. The event, allegedly, killed everything on our Earth Enclosure. Weather it did or did not, we will hardly find out. The Bible says it did. As far as other sources go, I'm not that sure.
Everything above was just my paraphrasing, and personal understanding of the texts and interpretations of some of the "non-main stream" Biblical researchers. What follows below are thought of my own, and they will sound pretty wild, but give me a chance here.
I was always wondering why we count our years from the birth of Jesus Christ, and what this Common Era really was. Being a supporter of the views expressed by Anatoly Fomenko, this count off date was not making any sense. So far not a single person was able to mathematically disprove Mr. Fomenko's calculations.
Fomenko was labeled by historians as a pseudo-scientist. I am talking about the same narrative supporting individuals, the likes of who gave us the below discoveries:
Done ranting, moving on. So, according to Fomenko, who figured out that historical debit (reality) does not match historical credit (narrative), Jesus Christ died in 1053 AD. I think at a later time he fine-tuned his dates to 1152 AD with the date of death of 1185 AD.
With the above in mind, our today's Year 2019 was not making any sense with regard to the birth date of Jesus Christ. It should be more like Year 867. Hence we have this dilemma of a thousand added years, with all of those "i, I , j, J's" in the mix.
KD thoughts: Jesus Christ was most definitely one of the most important figures in the history of mankind. Yet, his sacrifices are hardly more important than the end-result of Genesis 1. Yet, miserly humans totally disrespected the Creator and started to count years from the birth of Christ? To me it was plausible at best.
A few months ago I ran into the following book. This one is just an example, for it is well known that the Great Flood allegedly happened in the year 1656 after God created Earth. There are plenty of older similar books like the one dated with 1749 below.
Seeing this Year 1656 in the setting of a book was the first time when certain thoughts started to form. What if we do not count from Christ? What if we count from the creation of the Earth by the "SkyLab?" If Jesus Christ was not born 2019 years ago, than why do we count from the BC/AD split.
That said, I'm still with Matrix's Morpheus, who said:
It is important to understand that our time frames were seriously messed with. We have double, triple and quadruple time restarts where between 1656 and 1657, Scaliger defined 976 and 977, or 1343 and 1344 could be any given number of years. The best way to explain it would be us living in 2019 waking up tomorrow, and it is 1927 all over again. This makes all the years in between disappear. Simply stick a couple of Industrial Revolutions between 1927 and 1947, and keep on going with fake history.
While my dating gymnastics have to be pretty confusing at the moment, I hope you will develop a better understanding as we move along.
11. AntediluvianThe antediluvian (alternatively pre-diluvian or pre-flood period) is the time period referred to in the Bible between the fall of humans and the Genesis flood narrative in the biblical cosmology. The term found its way into early geology and science in the late Victorian era. Colloquially, the term is used to refer to any ancient and murky period.
We need to remember, that according to the narrative, book printing in Europe started in 1455. Below you can see an approximate number of books printed between 1455 and 1800. Well, this is what The Narrative allows us to know.
This tool allows us to see, that the use of the word "antediluvian" started way before the late 1800s. From this perspective we have to be suspicious as to why the narrative wants us to think otherwise. Additionally we can see that the word "antediluvian" is placed within the mid-1600's range.
In addition to the above "antediluvian" we have:
In my opinion these structures have very little to do with poor souls presented in the paintings.
1600s: Maps, Cities, LandsI started to consider, that a lot of the maps we are allowed to see are antediluvian maps. I also started to consider that a lot of the devastating urban, and geological events pointed to the mid 1600's. At least the below ones appear to. I am not going to go into details, for if you truly want to see what I mean these links should be sufficient enough.
Yet, chimeras are less obvious. This obscurity can be attributed to the normal trick used by the narrative creators. We have plenty of examples, but all that stuff is just a fantasy of various authors. All this stuff is Post Flood.
Moses was also the one having strong ties with the authorship of our Biblical Genesis. As we all know Moses spent his 40 years touring the desert. His route should allegedly look something like this.
I do not want to spend time looking for the Exodus route distance. The length of the Earth Equator is 24,860 miles. If Moses had to walk the length of the equator, and had 40 years to do it, we would end up with:
I think to better understand what they were doing all these 40 years, would be to look at the fate of Jericho (Canaan), and Moses' assistant Joshua a.k.a. Jesus son of Naue or Jesus Navine. They were fighting and annihilating those who were not "righteous" per the SkyLab standards.
Obviously due to dying, Moses did not quite make it to the end, so Jesus Navine Joshua took over. And what were the instructions for Canaan? Pretty similar instructions were for the most of the Promised Land, and for wherever else I would assume, given that some of the information most likely did not make it through time.
Guess who was from Canaan. Our friend Saint Christopher was. According to the legendary account of his life Christopher was initially called Reprobus. He was a Canaanite, 5 cubits (7.5 feet) tall and with a fearsome face. And here is what he allegedly looked like.
It is fairly obvious, that by the SkyLab's standards, none of the annihilated cities were inhibited by the "righteous" population. Though it is probably safe to assume that a few genetically pure humans could be visiting at the time.
In the case with the Battle of Jericho, we can clearly see that pretty powerful "Mahabharata-type" weapons were used. The tech was hidden from us, and replaced with horses and trumpets.
We think that camels and horses were their tech, yet it was still the same SkyLab tech available to those Warriors of God, and 40 years could be enough to clean up the entire Earth.
13. 19th Century +/-
Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt
1760-1915We have several sets of dates to work with. The reason I called this bullet "19th Century +/-" is because I think we are dealing with the following dates:
This guy below is Julius Caesar, prior to us "figuring out" in the 19th Century what Julius Caesar should look like. If you want to see what Hector, Cleopatra and Alexander the Great looked like, you can visit the below articles:
When did we learn what Julius Caesar was supposed to look like, and was it done to please the current narrative?
As a matter of fact just about every single of those "ancient" statues and busts you can see in various museums was discovered after 1760. This is why museums do not advertise the discovery date, for people would see the pattern real quick. Naturally, enjoy your 80BC or 67AD dates, and ask no questions about when we found this thing.
With Ancient Egypt it is much easier. Only after Napoleon's visit did it become popular, and somewhat trendy. Rosetta stone was "located" during Mr. Napoleons expedition, by the way.
Additionally, the entire continent of Africa looked ridiculously empty in 1802, as compared to antediluvian 1570.
Back to Ancient Rome and Greece, as they relate to the 19th century, we go. This “cultural awakening” is a huge red flag, and we have to fly it with pride for everyone to see that something is seriously wrong with our history.
For the longest time I was puzzled by this 19th century (+ late 18th) infatuation with Ancient Rome and everything pertaining to it. While we do not really see this infatuation being specifically demonstrated in schools these days, the fact is undeniable. In reality, things are way beyond being simply weird. To put certain occurrences in perspective, we need to look at some of the Ancient Rome narrative compliant dates:
In addition, our political and military leaders ended up being depicted wearing Roman Togas (Peter the Great's statue is dated with 1782.)
15. Jesus Christ and Napoleon
Christ, Anti-Christ and Alexander I.Now, this here is going to be too much for an unprepared person to take. I am not sure where to place the first coming of Jesus in my sequence of events, but I might have an idea when the second took place. We all should know the Last Judgement aka the Day of the Lord (SkyLab Boss) thing.
What will be the signs of Jesus’ coming and the end of the world? This was the very same question Jesus’ disciples asked. Jesus’ answer to them and to us is found in Matthew 24:37-39:
First things first: the biography of Napoleon Bonaparte has nothing to do with the true Napoleon. It could have been compiled out of a few biographies of people whose names we will never find out. There had to be some information to fill in the time void, and the void was filled.
At the time of writing this Tartary article, I noticed that Napoleon and Alexander I appeared to be fighting on the same side, which was supported by multiple bizarre instances. Among those was their simultaneous presence on various awards. This makes exactly ZERO sense in the narrative compliant historical context.
Strength is in the unity: will of God, firmness of royalty, love for homeland and people.
Could it be possible that Jesus Christ is being hidden behind Napoleon's identity. Well, let us start with the name. What kind of name is Napoleon? Where else do we see it prior to Napoleon Bonaparte? Nowhere would probably be not far from the truth.
At the same time we have a name, which sounds very close to Napoleon. The name is obviously Apollyon, aka Apollo. According to multiple non-narrative scholars, and Bible enthusiasts Apollo is/was the Anti-Christ.
Napoleon could be n'Apollyon or Not Apollyon, as in exactly the opposite from Anti-Christ. Napoleon's Funeral kind of gives out the vibe that it was not a mere mortal getting laid to rest.
Meanwhile, this 1855 Anglo-American Magazine suggests that Napoleon was indeed Apollyon. At the very least, it suggests that barely 34 years after the Napoleon's death there were some people questioning his identity. As far as I understand, the author suggests that the name Napoleon merely signifies an allegory of an evil state of anarchy, cruelty and destruction that "spread far and wide."
The real kicker is in the words written on his tomb.
Sure enough, we can dismiss this "giant's head" as an allegory, but this practice of dismissal got us into this "historical" mess in first place.
Add to the above getting buried inside of six coffins:
Allegedly our Mr. Kutuzov was shot in the head two times, but that was not enough to get him killed:
Anyways, you do what you will with the above blasphemous information, but I think we could be witnessing a very well camouflaged second coming of Jesus, though I'm not sure which coming, and who exactly was Jesus.
As far as Alexander I goes, I have no idea how he factors into all of this. There probably is something, but I do not see any leads to follow.
I'm inclined to think that it was done via the use of some SkyLab quality weapons capable of producing lakes, and altering terrain features:
We all know the aftermath of this "clean up."
17. Industrial RevolutionSomewhere above I mentioned three time spans as they pertain to our Industrial Revolutions:
KD: Well, this is more or less the sequence of events I can picture based on the "between the lines" totality of circumstances. How many years were not counted towards our current total of 2019 would be a nice thing to find out. Yet, I have very strong doubts that this Mankind is in control of its own destiny.
I fully understand how nutts it sounds, but 3,000 year old talking Chinese pants are much funnier, IMHO.
As far as opinions of our qualified historians (about my little article here) go, I am ready to consider them when you either make a few vases like this, or explain (BS-free) who, when, how and why cut a whole bunch of huge rocks (like these Al-Naslaa, and Devils Marbles ones) in half.
- 150 human animal hybrids secretly produced in UK labs
- British Scientists Have Secretly Created More Than 150 Human-Animal Hybrids
Question #2: What information do you think is being hidden within the vaults of the Secret Archives of the Vatican Library? And why would books be getting destroyed now and then?
Disclaimer #1: If you can decipher every single riddle from the Second Dream-Vision of Enoch (chapters LXXXV through XC without doubting yourself), you do not need to read anything below this line. Well, may be the 19th century part you do.
Disclaimer #2: I thought my craziest articles were written before. I have to rescind my previous claims, for I think this is the craziest one. Presented below is a hypothetical non-sense I am currently leaning to. With the totality of circumstances, historical inconsistencies, questionable and unverifiable scientific claims taken into consideration, this is how the dots connect for me.
Disclaimer #3: I was playing with this specific article for over a week now. After hours of typing I understood that my regular approach was not gonna work here. I am not a book writer, and putting together an 800 page novel is the last thing I want to do. Below will be a short version of my thoughts on the issue, with some supportive materials. There will be minimal amounts of descriptive information. Each one of the below bullets could have pages of supportive information.
Disclaimer #4: As this is a conceptual approach, my main goal will be to break down the sequence of events as I see it at the moment. I will use some conventional dates, but those will primarily be used to visualize my hypothetical time line. This article is not for the beginners, but rather for advanced users of Stolen History.
Disclaimer #5: I believe that the Bible (including various sources of other religions) is a watered down version of the World History. This version was completely stripped of the technological aspect, with only spiritual and ethical aspects remaining.
Disclaimer #6: Bear with me throughout this entire article. It will require some thought and patience.
Note #1: I do not like using Biblical texts, but we are going to start off with times requiring us to use the Scripture. No matter how convoluted, but those are some of the few pieces of information pertaining to the distant past we can lean on. I understand that the question of credibility will always be up in the air.
Note #2: The Book of Enoch (text) is an apocryphal text and is not a part of the traditional Biblical Canon. Yet, it is a part of the Ethiopian Canon. Enoch, the son of Jared and the father of Methuselah, was the seventh generation from Adam. Noah was Enoch's great grandson, making Enoch, Noah's great grandfather.
- Dick Harfield, "The Book of Enoch was accepted by the second and third century Church Fathers such as Clement of Alexandria and Tertullian, although Tertullian mentioned that some rabbis would not accept it. Enoch was mentioned in the Epistle of Jude and it can be seen that some of the gospel material may have been based on it. Following the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE, the Book of Enoch became sidelined and was eventually banned by late-fourth- century and early-fifth-century theologians such as Jerome and Augustine."
- Same Dick Harfield, "There have never been giants on earth. It is true that Neanderthal men, of which hundreds of skeletons have been found, were massively stronger than modern humans, but they were also shorter in stature. The last thing any scientist would do on finding evidence of giants on earth would be to cover it up, since the very fact of discovering evidence of giants would make him famous."
- Dick Harfield + Dick Harfield: he is not a part of anything pertaining to this article. I used him for his biased summary of the contents of the Book of Enoch. He sure does know if there were any giants back in the day, right?
As a prerequisite to some of the things following below, I would highly recommend the following video by Rob Skiba. In my opinion he has one of the best grasps of the Nephilim concept.
This lady here has an interesting video on the topic, as well. She might be lacking in concept, but does a pretty good job describing her visual aids.
The Book of Enoch did not play the main part in my concept, but did help to piece certain things together. I am not going to try to change opinions about this text. Understanding the importance of this book requires doing some homework. I am a firm believer that there is a reason why this text could never survive within our traditional Bible.
1. Space, Time, Earth
Our perception of Space and Time is a very important maintenance psyop meant to provide for a non-existent reality. The purpose is to instill a false understanding of the fundamentals of this World.- Space: we are provided with the concept of the Infinite Universe. The concept is supported by unverifiable images of the Galaxies "far and far away".
- Space reality: we can not get a normal photograph of the Earth, or a live cam (pointed to Earth) on the Moon. I could add fifty more of these "can't do's". Those you should know for yourself.
- Time: we are provided with the concept of some unfathomable and unverifiable time tables. Here I mean things like our Big Bang theory, and its 13.8 billion years old time frames. Here I am talking about the dinosaur concept, and its 65+ millions of years. We are given Darwinism, Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome to extend our history into an indiscernible dot in the past.
- Time reality: we do not know who built multiple buried tunnels, just like we do not know what event dumped 20 feet of dirt on our 19th century cities.
- Earth: we are provided with the concept of the Earth structure. We are given our crust, mantle and two cores. None of these are verifiable.
- Earth reality: We have only seen the crust. World famous 40,230 feet (12,262 meters) deep Kola Superdeep Borehol is the deepest we have ever gone into the Earth. It took almost 20 years to reach that 7.5-mile depth - only half the distance or less to the mantle.
2. Artificial Earth
The Earth was artificially created. The Earth is a limited access terrarium. Its inhabitants think that they are free. Its inhabitants believe that they are at the top of the food chain. The Earth was created using some advanced scientific approach. This type of science is above and beyond of what we are capable of accepting, or comprehending at the moment. This scientist is commonly referred to as The God (supreme being, creator deity, etc).- Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C. Clarke
3. Earth Model
The Earth is either an enclosure on a much bigger body, or a stand alone object. The surface we live on is flat. The shape of the entire object commonly referred to as a planet is unknown to us. Currently I'm leaning towards one of the below two models. Either way, there is a dome.- In reality the shape is irrelevant. It's just nice to know what it is.
- Relevant is the reason the shape is being hidden from us.
4. Sun, Moon and Stars
- ...and I saw six portals in which the sun rises, and six portals in which the sun sets and the moon rises and sets in these portals, and the leaders of the stars and those whom they lead: six in the east and six in the west, and all following each other in accurately corresponding order: also many windows to the right and left of these portals...
5. The Scientist(s) aka The God
The creators had a military type structured organization, as in - they had their own hierarchy. Once again, the Book of Enoch provided the clues. As we know from the traditional KJV Bible, Genesis 6.2, and 6.4:- 6.2 - That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
- 6.4 - There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
- And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters.
- And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.'
- And Semjâzâ, who was their leader, said unto them: 'I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.'
- And they all answered him and said: 'Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.'
- Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it.
- And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it.
- And these are the names of their leaders: Sêmîazâz, their leader, Arâkîba, Râmêêl, Kôkabîêl, Tâmîêl, Râmîêl, Dânêl, Êzêqêêl, Barâqîjâl, Asâêl, Armârôs, Batârêl, Anânêl, Zaqîêl, Samsâpêêl, Satarêl, Tûrêl, Jômjâêl, Sariêl.
- These are their chiefs of tens.
- These are the names of their chiefs: Samyaza, who was their leader, Urakabarameel, Akibeel, Tamiel, Ramuel, Danel, Azkeel, Saraknyal, Asael, Armers, Batraal, Anane, Zavebe, Samsaveel, Ertael, Turel, Yomyael, Arazyal.
- These were the prefects of the two hundred angels, and the remainder were all with them.
- After this judgment they shall be astonished and irritated; for it shall be exhibited to the inhabitants of the earth.
- Behold the names of those angels. These are their names. The first of them is Samyaza; the second, Arstikapha: the third, Armen; the fourth, Kakabael; the fifth, Turel; the sixth, Rumyel; the seventh, Danyal; the eighth, Kael; the ninth, Barakel; the tenth, Azazel; the eleventh, Armers; the twelfth, Bataryal; the thirteenth, Basasael; the fourteenth, Ananel; the fifteenth, Turyal; the sixteenth, Simapiseel; the seventeenth, Yetarel; the eighteenth, Tumael; the nineteenth, Tarel; the twentieth, Rumel; the twenty-first, Azazyel.
- These are the chiefs of their angels, and the names of the leaders of their hundreds, and the leaders of their fifties, and the leaders of their tens.
- A 200 strong "Watcher Class" battalion of Angels
- Broken down into 4 companies of 50 Angels
- With all of the above broken down into 20 squads of 10 angels...
- ... descend on Earth to have sex?
- I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.
- Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.
- Then swear they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it.
- Why are Angels broken down into military units?
- Where they really heading down to have sex, or they had something else in mind?
6. The Purpose of Earth
This is where I am going to inject a little bit of Z. Sitchin's Annunakis, for, in my opinion, the gist of the story explains the purpose of the Earth Enclosure.- According to Sitchin, the Anunnaki genetically engineered homo erectus to create modern humans to work as their slaves.
- Annunaki would be equal to the same military scientific corp mentioned in bullet #5
7. Two Sins
Here we will look at the wrong deeds done by the "Watcher Class" battalion of Angels to be banished from Heaven, and at the sins committed by the early Mankind to warrant the Great Deluge aka the Biblical Flood.Angels' wrongdoings:
- Bible:
- came down to Earth and did what they did. Fell (took them wives of all which they chose?).
- Book of Enoch, instance #1:
- Then they ("Watcher Class Angels") took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the dividing of roots and trees.
- And the women conceiving brought forth giants
- Whose stature was each three hundred cubits (150 yards)
- Then they ("Watcher Class Angels") took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the dividing of roots and trees.
- Book of Enoch, instance #2:
- Moreover Azazyel taught men to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, the fabrication of mirrors, and the workmanship of bracelets and ornaments, the use of paint, the beautifying of the eyebrows, the use of stones of every valuable and select kind, and of all sorts of dyes, so that the world became altered.
- Amazarak taught all the sorcerers, and dividers of roots
- Armers taught the solution of sorcery
- Barkayal taught the observers of the stars
- Akibeel taught signs
- Tamiel taught astronomy
- And Asaradel taught the motion of the moon
- KD: But... And men, being destroyed, cried out; and their voice reached to heaven.
- Book of Enoch, instance #3:
- The name of the first is Yekun: he it was who seduced all the sons of the holy angels; and causing them to descend on earth, led astray the offspring of men.
- The name of the second is Kesabel, who pointed out evil counsel to the sons of the holy angels, and induced them to corrupt their bodies by generating mankind.
- The name of the third is Gadrel: he discovered every stroke of death to the children of men.
- He seduced Eve; and discovered to the children of men the instruments of death, the coat of mail, the shield, and the sword for slaughter; every instrument of death to the children of men.
- From his hand were these things derived to them who dwell upon earth, from that period for ever.
- The name of the fourth is Penemue: he discovered to the children of men bitterness and sweetness;
- And pointed out to them every secret of their wisdom.
- He taught men to understand writing, and the use of ink and paper.
- Therefore numerous have been those who have gone astray from every period of the world, even to this day.
- For men were not born for this, thus with pen and with ink to confirm their faith;
- Since they were not created, except that, like the angels, they might remain righteous and pure.
- Nor would death, which destroys everything, have affected them;
- But by this their knowledge they perish, and by this also its power consumes them.
- The name of the fifth is Kasyade: he discovered to the children of men every wicked stroke of spirits and of demons:
- The stroke of the embryo in the womb, to diminish it; the stroke of the spirit by the bite of the serpent, and the stroke which is given in the mid-day by the offspring of the serpent, the name of which is Tabaet.
- Gave them wisdom and ability to think. May be tuned up human's brain genetically.
- Educated Mankind in various fields of sciences.
- Provided Mankind with the same weapons the Gods (scientists/soldiers) had
- weapons capabilities could probably be borrowed from Mahabharata
- Scientifically provided Mankind with immortality (possibly)
- to remain righteous and pure (see above), also known as dumb, stupid, obedient and illiterate on the genetic level.
- Bible:
- Genesis 6.5 - And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
- Genesis 6.11 - The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
- Genesis 6.13 - And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
- The Book of Enoch:
- Nothing really was done wrong by the Mankind itself, but some of the Genetic "Improvements / Experiments" had gone wrong:
- Nephilim giants devoured all which the labour of men produced; until it became impossible to feed them;
- When they turned themselves against men, in order to devour them;
- And began to injure birds, beasts, reptiles, and fishes, to eat their flesh one after another, and to drink their blood.
- Then the earth reproved the unrighteous.
- Nothing really was done wrong by the Mankind itself, but some of the Genetic "Improvements / Experiments" had gone wrong:
- Genetically improved educated men (including educated original ones but not modified)
- Giants aka Nephilim (improvement gone wrong?)
- Chimeras of various kind (humans mixed with animals, fishes, reptiles, etc)
- "Watcher Class Angels" aka the split off Creators
Jubelees 7:24: And after this they sinned against the beasts and birds, and all that moves and walks on the earth: and much blood was shed on the earth, and every imagination and desire of men imagined vanity and evil continually.
KD opinion on the above #1: Essentially we had this "SkyLab" which created our Earth, its environment, humans and creatures. The "SkyLab" was naturally situated outside of the Earth Enclosure (dome if you will) but the lab staff was able to visit and inspect/work as was needed. This "SkyLab" had a strict hierarchy, where "God" was the top official. Whether this "God" was a sole commander, or some sort of a Board of Directors is irrelevant. "God" was in charge of the operations. They had multiple departments in charge of various areas of development. Both scientific and military capabilities can both be traced.
A group of the "SkyLab" rogue scientists and soldiers (Fallen Angels) decided to break the protocol. They went into the Earth Enclosure and altered the originally designed humans. I doubt that they went down to have sex due to the daughter's of men being fair. There was clearly a discussion between Samyaza and his subordinates on whether to proceed with the plan, and conduct this "incursion" or not.
- We will never find out whether "Fallen Angels" were some "bleeding hearts" who could not stand this awful social injustice suffered by their creations, or wanted to advance some unauthorized scientific ideas of their own.
- These events took place in the days of Jared.
- They "came down" and introduced their own genetic, and other ideas into an existing ecosystem, where everything was designed to "code." Among everything else Rogue Scientists (Fallen Angels) artificially inseminated Earth women which lead to the emergence of modified humans aka Nephilim.
- The actions of the Fallen Angels lead to their improved creations (Nephilim, and educated original humans) to develop creatures of their own (they sinned against the beasts and birds, and all that moves and walks on the earth.) Genetic modifications continued and human-animal hybrids were introduced. The earth ended up with a bunch of weird hungry creatures running around (and much blood was shed on the earth, and every imagination and desire of men imagined vanity and evil continually.)
- Hence we get our Genesis 6.11 and 6.12:
- Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight, and the earth was filled with violence.
- And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.
- Some scholars believe that there could have been about 750 million people at the time of the Flood. However, given the extremely long lifespans prior to the Flood, the growth rate could have been much higher. Increasing the rate by just 0.001 would put the population at close to four billion at the Flood.
- Somehow Noah ended up being the only righteous (aka genetically pure) human on Earth. We could probably add Noah's wife and three sons to this list of genetically pure people. Whether the wives of his sons were genetically pure is questionable. For better understanding watch Rob Skiba's video above.
- The mutineers (Fallen Angels aka rogue scientists and soldiers)were sentenced to life in prison.
- Banished from heaven, which could mean no possibility of return to their original habitat.
- The "angels who sinned," Peter and Jude say, were cast down to Tartarus ("a place of restraint," a prison) where they are bound until God judges them. Decide for yourself whether we have cross-referencing of the Ancient Greek Titans here.
- Nephilims lost their physical bodies due death. Their souls (AI) were not designed to return, cycle, recycle or do whatever the original scientific design prescribed souls to do. Allegedly their souls ended up being demons and such. This part is outside of my little article here. You are welcome to research yourself.
We have to read between the lines here. You do not run around messing with genetics while having a stone axe attached to your loincloth. It was a highly educated society which killed itself off with their own inventions and genetic experiments. They, most likely, had everything we have today X ∞ (infinity). Their technology had to be outside of anything we can possibly imagine. Science Fiction on drugs comes to mind. The reason they were so advanced was due to them receiving all the tech and knowledge from those (SkyLab Gods) who created them, and their environment. They could create a biorobot, and introduce mind, intelligence, morals and feelings into it. They could make it look whatever they wanted it to look, out of the material of their choice. And their own creations put an end to their world via the actual SkyLab scratching the project to start it over.
Important: One of the biggest mistakes could be us picturing the pre-flood world looking similar to the image below.
In my opinion, that pre-Flood world had to look something like Naboo from the Star Wars.
- Once again, we can only guess the purpose of the Earth Enclosure creation. Whether somebody out there runs around creating Worlds for shit, and giggles, or they create Worlds to farm for goodies is irrelevant for the purposes of this article.
- I deliberately call it "enclosure" for I do not believe for a second that we know what the shape of our so-called "Planet" is. We have been told, but have never been shown the true Earth. I think we live within an artificially limited space, and there are other Worlds out there, but these worlds have nothing to do with our traditional understanding of Space, Planets and Stars. This is just my opinion.
8. Operation "Great Flood"
Reset: Biblical Deluge
And God said to Noah, “I have determined to make an end of all flesh, for the earth is filled with violence through them. Behold, I will destroy them with the earth."Reset: Biblical Deluge
Most everything on Earth was genetically corrupt. I think there were other "righteous" (aka genetically pure) individuals on Earth. Yet, somebody with enough authority to wipe out everything on Earth, God was not powerful enough to simply say "Puff, I wish all the impurity to vanish." Questioning God's capabilities is blasphemous, but we have to be real instead of hiding behind the "divine intent" excuses.
The general picture of Noah and his Ark, coming to mind, should probably look something like this.
At the same time, if there was ever such a thing as the Noah's Ark, then given my suggested technology levels of the time, it had to look similar to the craft below.
I would not exclude this type of an Ark either.
Well, one way or the other, there was an event of the enormous magnitude and importance. In Scriptures, other Religions and Myths it became known as the Great Flood, or Deluge. The event, allegedly, killed everything on our Earth Enclosure. Weather it did or did not, we will hardly find out. The Bible says it did. As far as other sources go, I'm not that sure.
Everything above was just my paraphrasing, and personal understanding of the texts and interpretations of some of the "non-main stream" Biblical researchers. What follows below are thought of my own, and they will sound pretty wild, but give me a chance here.
9. BC or BCE
Never Existed?
It's funny and sad how our political correctness turned BC (times Before Christ) into BCE (times Before Common Era). Either way, they mean the exact same thing.Never Existed?
I was always wondering why we count our years from the birth of Jesus Christ, and what this Common Era really was. Being a supporter of the views expressed by Anatoly Fomenko, this count off date was not making any sense. So far not a single person was able to mathematically disprove Mr. Fomenko's calculations.
- Jesus Christ was born in 1053 a.d. and crucified in 1086 a.d.
- More on the issue
- SH articles
Fomenko was labeled by historians as a pseudo-scientist. I am talking about the same narrative supporting individuals, the likes of who gave us the below discoveries:
- 1,600 y.o. ancient Egyptian socks
- 3,000 year old talking Chinese pants
- 5,500 year old leather shoe
- 14,000 Year-Old Piece Of Bread Rewrites The History...
Done ranting, moving on. So, according to Fomenko, who figured out that historical debit (reality) does not match historical credit (narrative), Jesus Christ died in 1053 AD. I think at a later time he fine-tuned his dates to 1152 AD with the date of death of 1185 AD.
With the above in mind, our today's Year 2019 was not making any sense with regard to the birth date of Jesus Christ. It should be more like Year 867. Hence we have this dilemma of a thousand added years, with all of those "i, I , j, J's" in the mix.
KD thoughts: Jesus Christ was most definitely one of the most important figures in the history of mankind. Yet, his sacrifices are hardly more important than the end-result of Genesis 1. Yet, miserly humans totally disrespected the Creator and started to count years from the birth of Christ? To me it was plausible at best.
A few months ago I ran into the following book. This one is just an example, for it is well known that the Great Flood allegedly happened in the year 1656 after God created Earth. There are plenty of older similar books like the one dated with 1749 below.
Seeing this Year 1656 in the setting of a book was the first time when certain thoughts started to form. What if we do not count from Christ? What if we count from the creation of the Earth by the "SkyLab?" If Jesus Christ was not born 2019 years ago, than why do we count from the BC/AD split.
That said, I'm still with Matrix's Morpheus, who said:
- I can’t tell you exactly what year it is because we honestly don’t know.
It is important to understand that our time frames were seriously messed with. We have double, triple and quadruple time restarts where between 1656 and 1657, Scaliger defined 976 and 977, or 1343 and 1344 could be any given number of years. The best way to explain it would be us living in 2019 waking up tomorrow, and it is 1927 all over again. This makes all the years in between disappear. Simply stick a couple of Industrial Revolutions between 1927 and 1947, and keep on going with fake history.
While my dating gymnastics have to be pretty confusing at the moment, I hope you will develop a better understanding as we move along.
11. Antediluvian
- Antediluvian - Wikipedia
- The Victorian era was the period of Queen Victoria's reign, from 20 June 1837 until her death on 22 January 1901.
We need to remember, that according to the narrative, book printing in Europe started in 1455. Below you can see an approximate number of books printed between 1455 and 1800. Well, this is what The Narrative allows us to know.
This tool allows us to see, that the use of the word "antediluvian" started way before the late 1800s. From this perspective we have to be suspicious as to why the narrative wants us to think otherwise. Additionally we can see that the word "antediluvian" is placed within the mid-1600's range.
12. 1600's
This mid-1600's range is attractive enough to consider various possibilities. It is also worth further research, but here is what we have so far.In addition to the above "antediluvian" we have:
1600s: Capriccio Artists
In painting, a capriccio means an architectural fantasy, placing together buildings, archaeological ruins and other architectural elements in fictional and often fantastical combinations. These painting may also include staffage (figures). Capriccio falls under the more general term of landscape painting. The term is also used for other artworks with an element of fantasy.- As you can see, with no proof, or documentation, several generations of artists were labeled as liars, albeit in a politically correct manner.
- Alessandro Salucci: 1590 – 1655/60
- Viviano Codazzi: c. 1604 – 1670
In my opinion these structures have very little to do with poor souls presented in the paintings.
- These, I think, are our antediluvian buildings, the likes of which would later be attributed to the Ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt.
- And what we see is the "some years later" aftermath of the Great Deluge.
Dark Ages
in my opinion
Fantasy: Clearly, a lot of the buildings presented in these types of paintings were destroyed. Yet, a little bit of research demonstrates that the label of "architectural fantasy" is very misleading, and in my opinion was designed to hide our true past, and re-arrange my opinion
1600s: Maps, Cities, Lands
- 79 A.D. no more: Pompeii got buried in 1631
- Sodom and Gomorrah are at the bottom of the Dead Sea
- Bizarre transformation of the North American Continent: 16th through 19th centuries
1592 Prioris Hemisphaerii, totiusque Geographici
The impossible 1587 Urbano Monte's World Map
1594 Orbis Terrarum Typus de Integro
1600s: Chimeras and Giants after the Flood
If we assume that the Great Flood killed off all the "abomination" and only righteous, genetically pure humans created by the SkyLab were allowed to exist... well, this mankind did not learn much, and Giants with Chimeras were brought back. The post-Flood society, which was still visited by the SkyLab representatives, rebounded back into a similar high-tech society it was before the flood. Giants can be traced via various items, and art depictions:The impossible 1587 Urbano Monte's World Map
1594 Orbis Terrarum Typus de Integro
1600s: Chimeras and Giants after the Flood
- Obviously 19th century architecture with humongous doorways and ceiling heights should be an indicator for some.
Yet, chimeras are less obvious. This obscurity can be attributed to the normal trick used by the narrative creators. We have plenty of examples, but all that stuff is just a fantasy of various authors. All this stuff is Post Flood.
Historiae naturalis de quadrupetibus libri
Chronicles history of animals with a history of monsters
Other Chimeras
Meanwhile the chimeras were present after the Flood all along. As we all know, Moses has strong historical ties with Egypt. Egypt was basically unknown till Mr. Napoleon visited it at the split of the 18/19th centuries. We should not be underestimating this early 19th century discovery of the "Ancient Egypt", for this 19th century discoveries are the epiphany of what we are dealing with here.Chronicles history of animals with a history of monsters

Other Chimeras
Moses was also the one having strong ties with the authorship of our Biblical Genesis. As we all know Moses spent his 40 years touring the desert. His route should allegedly look something like this.
- 621.5 miles a year
- 52 miles a month
- 1.72 miles a day
I think to better understand what they were doing all these 40 years, would be to look at the fate of Jericho (Canaan), and Moses' assistant Joshua a.k.a. Jesus son of Naue or Jesus Navine. They were fighting and annihilating those who were not "righteous" per the SkyLab standards.
- Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”
- However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes.
- Completely destroy them - the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites - as the Lord your God has commanded you.
Guess who was from Canaan. Our friend Saint Christopher was. According to the legendary account of his life Christopher was initially called Reprobus. He was a Canaanite, 5 cubits (7.5 feet) tall and with a fearsome face. And here is what he allegedly looked like.
It is fairly obvious, that by the SkyLab's standards, none of the annihilated cities were inhibited by the "righteous" population. Though it is probably safe to assume that a few genetically pure humans could be visiting at the time.
- Chimeras and Hybrids were getting wiped out by the God's forces.
Battle of Jericho
I'm pretty sure that today's Jericho is not one and the same with the one destroyed by the trumpets, but we only need the weapons used during the Battle of Jericho.- The Battle of Jericho is an incident from the Book of Joshua, being the first battle fought by the Israelites in the course of the conquest of Canaan. According to Joshua 6:1–27, the walls of Jericho fell after the Israelites marched around the city blowing their trumpets.
We think that camels and horses were their tech, yet it was still the same SkyLab tech available to those Warriors of God, and 40 years could be enough to clean up the entire Earth.
Jesus Christ
Jesus we will get to a bit later. There are a few additional areas I need to cover before we get to the Savior. Yet I wanted to make a few speculations right here. As we all know, his textbook parents were Virgin Mary and Joseph. This, of course, is oxymoronic, and it is well known who the fatherhood is attributed to: the head of the SkyLab a.k.a. the Almighty God.- In my opinion all the employees of the SkyLab, including Top Managers, shared the same DNA.
- Essentially, the impregnation of Virgin Mary was done the exact same way the "fair daughters of men" were impregnated in Genesis 6. The end result had to be the same. Genesis 6 produced Nephilims. So, I will just leave it at that.
13. 19th Century +/-
Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt
- Beginning: 1760
- End: 1915
- Intermediary dates
- First Industrial Revolution: 1760 to 1840
- Second Industrial Revolution: 1870 to 1914
- Dead Zone: 1840 to 1870
Antiquity vs. 19th Century
Our beloved 19th century is funny in a non-funny way. If you build a mental visual picture of everything you know about Ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt, and subtract everything we learned about those in the 19th century, your mental visual picture will be blank.This guy below is Julius Caesar, prior to us "figuring out" in the 19th Century what Julius Caesar should look like. If you want to see what Hector, Cleopatra and Alexander the Great looked like, you can visit the below articles:
Pre-19th Century Julius Caesar
When did we learn what Julius Caesar was supposed to look like, and was it done to please the current narrative?
As a matter of fact just about every single of those "ancient" statues and busts you can see in various museums was discovered after 1760. This is why museums do not advertise the discovery date, for people would see the pattern real quick. Naturally, enjoy your 80BC or 67AD dates, and ask no questions about when we found this thing.
With Ancient Egypt it is much easier. Only after Napoleon's visit did it become popular, and somewhat trendy. Rosetta stone was "located" during Mr. Napoleons expedition, by the way.
Additionally, the entire continent of Africa looked ridiculously empty in 1802, as compared to antediluvian 1570.
Back to Ancient Rome and Greece, as they relate to the 19th century, we go. This “cultural awakening” is a huge red flag, and we have to fly it with pride for everyone to see that something is seriously wrong with our history.
For the longest time I was puzzled by this 19th century (+ late 18th) infatuation with Ancient Rome and everything pertaining to it. While we do not really see this infatuation being specifically demonstrated in schools these days, the fact is undeniable. In reality, things are way beyond being simply weird. To put certain occurrences in perspective, we need to look at some of the Ancient Rome narrative compliant dates:
- Established: 753 BC
- Collapsed: 476 AD
In addition, our political and military leaders ended up being depicted wearing Roman Togas (Peter the Great's statue is dated with 1782.)
George Washington
Giant "Ancient" Romans, Human Engineering and the Real Slavery
Alexander Suvorov
Roman monuments to non-Roman individuals
Alexander Suvorov - Wikipedia
Totality of circumstances: taking this miraculous reappearance of the 1,500+ year old Antiquity around the 19th century, augmented by an enormous amount of archaeological discoveries of the "Ancient Roman and Greek" stuff, in consideration, a reasonable person should start asking questions. Like: where all this stuff was before? Indeed, how come it was not located prior? I have only one answer to these questions:Giant "Ancient" Romans, Human Engineering and the Real Slavery
Alexander Suvorov
Roman monuments to non-Roman individuals
Alexander Suvorov - Wikipedia
- These discoveries were made immediately after the collapse of these so-called "Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt."
- They were made immediately after this world, once again, had enough people to care about finding things
14. World Population
I will throw this into the mix without much explanation, for everything was already explained in the article below. There is nothing normal about this chart. This chart is a lie, in my opinion, and a dead giveaway that stuff is seriously messed up.15. Jesus Christ and Napoleon
Christ, Anti-Christ and Alexander I.
What will be the signs of Jesus’ coming and the end of the world? This was the very same question Jesus’ disciples asked. Jesus’ answer to them and to us is found in Matthew 24:37-39:
- As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that [Noah] entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.
Napoleon was Jesus Christ?
Kutuzov was Anti-Christ?
Alexander I was... "I don't know who"
Field Marshal Kutuzov was Napoleon's main battlefield opponent during the war of 1812. Alexander I was the Tsar of Russia, and Kutuzov's boss, allegedly, of course.Kutuzov was Anti-Christ?
Alexander I was... "I don't know who"
First things first: the biography of Napoleon Bonaparte has nothing to do with the true Napoleon. It could have been compiled out of a few biographies of people whose names we will never find out. There had to be some information to fill in the time void, and the void was filled.
At the time of writing this Tartary article, I noticed that Napoleon and Alexander I appeared to be fighting on the same side, which was supported by multiple bizarre instances. Among those was their simultaneous presence on various awards. This makes exactly ZERO sense in the narrative compliant historical context.
Strength is in the unity: will of God, firmness of royalty, love for homeland and people.
Could it be possible that Jesus Christ is being hidden behind Napoleon's identity. Well, let us start with the name. What kind of name is Napoleon? Where else do we see it prior to Napoleon Bonaparte? Nowhere would probably be not far from the truth.
At the same time we have a name, which sounds very close to Napoleon. The name is obviously Apollyon, aka Apollo. According to multiple non-narrative scholars, and Bible enthusiasts Apollo is/was the Anti-Christ.
Napoleon could be n'Apollyon or Not Apollyon, as in exactly the opposite from Anti-Christ. Napoleon's Funeral kind of gives out the vibe that it was not a mere mortal getting laid to rest.
Meanwhile, this 1855 Anglo-American Magazine suggests that Napoleon was indeed Apollyon. At the very least, it suggests that barely 34 years after the Napoleon's death there were some people questioning his identity. As far as I understand, the author suggests that the name Napoleon merely signifies an allegory of an evil state of anarchy, cruelty and destruction that "spread far and wide."
The real kicker is in the words written on his tomb.
Sure enough, we can dismiss this "giant's head" as an allegory, but this practice of dismissal got us into this "historical" mess in first place.
Add to the above getting buried inside of six coffins:
- In 1840 Napoléon Bonaparte was buried under the Dôme des Invalides- large church in Paris. The sarcophagus was put up on a green granite pedestal and contains a nest of six coffins.
- 1. soft iron
- 2. mahogany
- 3, 4. two of lead
- 5. ebony
- 6. oak
- The Beast was supposed to have seven heads and ten horns.
- Revelation 13:3
- And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
Allegedly our Mr. Kutuzov was shot in the head two times, but that was not enough to get him killed:
- The first bullet "ran through the head from one temple to the other behind both eyes." The second bullet entered the cheek, destroyed upper teeth, traveled through the head, and exited the occiput. Massot, a French surgeon with the Russian army, wrote after treating Kutuzov's seemingly two mortal wounds: "It must be believed that fate appoints Kutuzov to something great, because he was still alive after two injuries, a death sentence by all the rules of medical science."
- Kutuzov's heart was buried separately from his body. Apparently it was a common thing back then, or so they say.
Anyways, you do what you will with the above blasphemous information, but I think we could be witnessing a very well camouflaged second coming of Jesus, though I'm not sure which coming, and who exactly was Jesus.
As far as Alexander I goes, I have no idea how he factors into all of this. There probably is something, but I do not see any leads to follow.
16. The Last Judgement
I think the consequences of various "urban fires" and "earthquakes" could be the result of the events accompanying the Last Judgement. People on Earth were still engaging in genetic manipulation, and what was supposed to happen, did happen. Some time between 1770 and 1915 an event, or series of events wiped out most of the entire population of Earth.
We all know the aftermath of this "clean up."
- Urban Fires and Earthquakes
- 1816 the Year without Summer vs. "Darkness" by Lord Byron: Natural or Artificial?
- Abandoned City Series
- Foundlings and Orphan Train: video by CONSPIRACY-R-US
17. Industrial Revolution
- First Industrial Revolution: 1760 to 1840
- Second Industrial Revolution: 1870 to 1914
- Dead Zone: 1840 to 1870
KD: Well, this is more or less the sequence of events I can picture based on the "between the lines" totality of circumstances. How many years were not counted towards our current total of 2019 would be a nice thing to find out. Yet, I have very strong doubts that this Mankind is in control of its own destiny.
I fully understand how nutts it sounds, but 3,000 year old talking Chinese pants are much funnier, IMHO.
As far as opinions of our qualified historians (about my little article here) go, I am ready to consider them when you either make a few vases like this, or explain (BS-free) who, when, how and why cut a whole bunch of huge rocks (like these Al-Naslaa, and Devils Marbles ones) in half.