Question | Year 2030: what are they hiding?

Oct 29, 2020
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I've been gone for a while and I still am. One of the main reasons for me not being present is the lack of motivation due to family issues. It's one of those things when the darkness has no end in sight. Hopefully one day I'll be back, for deep inside I miss certain things.

For right now, I wanted to ask you guys about your thoughts on the year 2030 and all the hype attributed to this date. The PTB clearly puts a certain meaning to this "2030" date. As far as we know they keep on talking about the so-called "Climate Change" formerly known as the "Global Warming." The importance of the date appears to be relevant. It's either that (the importance of the date), or they just picked a date to achieve their "world management" goals. Could there be more to this date than we are being allowed to know?
World civilization cycles are one of the topics that I've been pondering on for a while now. Industrial revolutions appear to be convenient enough for re-introducing older technologies into the newly developing, post-apocalypse spins of the world civilization. From this perspective, the infatuation of the elites (imho, some of them do know what's up) with "2030" could be rather interesting. Additionally, we are obviously dealing with certain depopulation related agendas. I am no expert, but it does appear that our planet can sustain way more than whatever our current population is.
  • When could population numbers become really important?
    • This is just a speculation of mine, but I'd say at the time when people compete for food and resources in the absence of infrastructure and governance.
  • When could we possibly experience the absence of infrastructure and governance?
What events could result in something similar to what we see here and here?
  • Wars?
  • Urban Fires?
  • Natural disasters?
The Three Events
As far as I understand, the official chronology can not be trusted. With that in mind, I think we could have one 19th century USA event broken into three separate events. Chances are there are more than three such events, but these three definitely stand out.

1811-1812: New Madrid Earthquakes
The New Madrid Earthquakes took place between December 1811 and April 1812 along an active fault line that extends roughly from Marked Tree (Poinsett County) in a northeasterly direction, crossing several states for about 150 miles. The earthquakes and aftershocks caused extensive damage throughout northeast Arkansas and southeast Missouri, altering the landscape, affecting settlement of the area, and leaving noticeable reminders that another huge earthquake could happen at any time.
  • Thirty miles south, in the river town of what is today Caruthersville, Missouri, all twenty houses were destroyed, and the surrounding land was rendered almost unrecognizable.
  • The ground rolled in several-foot-high waves until they burst, hurling up geysers of water, sand, and a charcoal-like substance.
  • Giant fissures swallowed buildings, along with anyone inside.
  • Some land rose, and other land sank to become inundated with water as rivers changed their course to fill the hollows. Huge chunks of riverbank collapsed into the Mississippi, and an island rose, blocking the current from running downstream.
  • As fissures opened in the riverbed and the banks collapsed, the water was forced to run backward, or upstream, until the temporary island was washed away.
  • Most accounts said it lasted a few minutes, while others said it lasted up to three days.

1912 Source

1833: The Leonid Meteor Storm
The Leonid meteor storm was seen across the United States in the night and early morning of November 12th and 13th, 1833. Those who were awake to witness the storm were in awe as between 50,000 and 150,000 meteors fell each hour.
  • The 1833 Leonid Meteor Storm
  • To me, the above article sounded like an attempt to justify why just about every newspaper in the United States was publishing the exact same, or almost exact same text. Could it be that this is how historical narratives get introduced?
On a separate note, if these were not meteors, what could they be?



1859: The Carrington Event
The Carrington Event was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking from 1 to 2 September 1859 during solar cycle 10. It created strong auroral displays that were reported globally and caused sparking and even fires in multiple telegraph stations. The geomagnetic storm was most likely the result of a coronal mass ejection (CME) from the Sun colliding with Earth's magnetosphere.


I am not so sure there was "nothing much" to damage in those days. What about an allegedly "non-existent" at the time electrical grid?


The horse-drawn tram (horsecar) was an early form of public rail transport, which developed out of industrial haulage routes that had long been in existence, and from the omnibus routes that first ran on public streets in the 1820s, using the newly improved iron or steel rail or 'tramway'.
  • In the United States the very first streetcar appeared in New Orleans in 1832, operated by the Pontchartrain Railroad Company, followed by those in 1832 on the New York and Harlem Railroad in New York City.
  • Horsecar - Wikipedia
For whatever (historical) reason, the above contraption is claimed to be the original design. They manufactured rails, laid train tracks, built cars... for what exactly? For horses to pull them rigs?
  • Something does not add up here.
  • Do these technologies match, or people were forced to use horses for obvious reasons?
Who knows, may be in some remote year 2095, historians will claim the below designs were original as well. Will they claim that the Carrington event 2.0 of 2030 did not damage much because there was "nothing much" to damage?


Power Grid Cyber Attack
Another thing to consider is the constant "threat" of an imminent cyber attack. The MSM and WEF are pounding it down our throats. They even went as far as calling it a Cyber Pandemic.
Wondering, what would be the difference between a Power Grid Cyber Attack and some (known to some) "Carrington Event 2.0"?

KD Question: Prophets have been popping up left and right recently. Them climate changes, pandemics, cyber attacks, upcoming famine, etc. There is always someone out there to predict their occurrences, and somehow their "prophesies" become our reality.
  • Could it be that some people (or other entities) know what's coming around 2030, and govern the world society according to the pre-determined conservation plan?
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.jpg

This particular guideline does not appear to match our currently claimed world population of 7.9 bil. But what if this guideline shows how many people can be adequately governed and controlled to start a new civilizational cycle after a "world ending" event? Could it be that more than 500 mil. people existing under the conditions lacking infrastructure and governance would jeopardize the ability of the future Robber Barons to re-start the world?
  • After all, who needs extra millions of hungry individuals competing for food and resources when there are none?
Per our official history, humans of our kind and thinking ability exist for over 50,000 years. Yet, 200 years ago in 1820-30s (what would this date be without railroad locomotives?) people still used animal power for transportation. A couple industrial revolutions and one Nikola Tesla later, and we fly, drive, claim space travel and explore the metaverse.

Meanwhile, we have loads of evidence that this world was eviscerated (may be more than once). Dates differ, but plenty of this evidence points towards the first half of the 19th century being the most recent occurrence.

Here is the main question I guess: could it be that the projected "climate change" events of 2030 are a well disguised inevitable cyclical occurrence known to the select few?
  • If there is no climate change danger, and TPTB are not merely reorganizing the financial/governance structure of the planet... what could the significance of the year 2030 be?
I have all but two thoughts on the matter:
  1. We have no idea of the structure of the environment (what is our planet Earth?) we live in.
    • The Earth system could have some sort of a built-in fail-safe feature that under specific conditions triggers pre-programed events.
  2. Under specific conditions, we get attacked from the outside of our known geography.
    • These attacks are being presented as urban fires, meteor showers, Carrington events, years without summer and various New Madrid earthquakes.
@jd755 i don’t mean to single out your comment about the simulation theory, but after catching up on this thread, it’s probably the thing I feel most compelled to react to.

you’re right, the name and current iteration of the simulation theory is a product of the technology of today… but what would we have called it before we had the technology to define it? Perhaps a dream.

solipsism dates back to BC era and supposes that nothing exists outside of the mind. Now that we enjoy supercomputers and virtual reality, it’s easy to append the theories with modern technology, but the idea that this isn’t “real” is truly an ancient one.
Thanks for adding to my comment and illustrating what I said. Unless you have been alive for centuries you are not ancient and thus you rely on other peoples interpretations, opinions, speculations, thoughts even all recorded in the age of the printed word.
No bugger knows when the printed word first appeared nor where nor in which language and no clue about what words were in use in that language, what the alphabet was, in short we alive today know nothing of those alive even as little as a hundred and fifty years ago.
We see printed and written documents dated 1872, we see dated nameplates on machines and buildings, we see dated art and photographs, magazines, books and papers with etchings and words in them but we have no clue about the people and as for such things in lands other than our own we are completely ignorant of them.

So the world before our birth is as alien to us as the one that will be here when we are gone and truthfully as alien to us as most of the world here right now.
We don't know what is actually going on two houses along let alone two streets, two towns, a country, a continent away. In that light it is easy to come up with shit such as United Nations, man made global warming, carbon dioxide is heating the finite planet in infinite space with accompanying endless speculation and just as easy to backdate these things to any arbitrary point in time using the chronology of the day.

You won't know but I have been living by the 360 sun up, what you would call a day, calendar for two years and it is perfectly in tune with natural events I experience unlike the 365 day calendar which has been overlaid on reality.

The 360 runs from solstice to solstice in a 180 day rise and 180 day fall.
This has led me to question everything that is based in the 365 fixed day length calendar from a position of doubt and nothing stands muster.

We are being blinded by our allegiance to a calendar that simply does not work in daily life and our imaginings of past life.
Maybe so. But, when one perceives a pattern of control and destruction, is not the person honor-bound to report it?
True we are pattern recognisers which to me is why we are given so many years of schooling to ensure we forget this inherent skill that is found in imagination.
But no idea why or who I would report a pattern to or this honour thing, never got a grasp on honour beyond it being all things to all men so a movable feast.
I've no idea what theory this bloke is making videos about. He clearly cannot explain it to a five year old, to quote a marketing phrase from my past, and I have been all theoried out for a few years now..
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I've no idea what theory this bloke is making videos about. He clearly cannot explain it to a five year old, to quote a marketing phrase from my past, and I have been all theoried out for a few years now..
Please remember that many, even learned people like you, will come upon SH and pass it over with the same remark...

I guess my point is, an old anthropological one, "it is interesting to think with." "It" being the material and the theory. Of course, I read and write here because the empiricism is most salutatory. It is my orientation. I even like people. But a jumble of confusion called facts? Somehow, I seek a theory to help piece it together. Without one, I simply float through. But I suppose one could operate without some background conceptions. But I don't believe I've ever seen anyone do it.

Sorry for the edits.
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I have always maintained a healthy distrust for the establishment and authorities, and I’ve always had questions… but it wasn’t until Covid that I truly opened my eyes and mind. After seeing us deluged with lies and disinformation in the broad of day, I decided to abandon all that I believed* and allow the world to present itself to me again, not to be viewed through the establishment lens.

*within certain parameters

I think there’s a certain amount of truth in this world worth attaching to. I cannot prove that the shirt I’m wearing is made of cotton as the tag says. I cannot say for certain that the cigarettes I smoke are made from tobacco. I cannot even prove that my mother birthed me or my father sired me.

Were we to abandon all inherited knowledge we would be starting from scratch and not even able to meaningfully have this conversation. I don’t think that the narrative is 100% bogus. I could be wrong, but it’s always easiest to lie when the lies are woven into the truth. Falsifying 100% of our world and our hisotry would be a monumental task and likely wouldn’t pass muster either.
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The enormity & scope of the lies, revisionist versions throughout twistory is an unsalvageable & truly unquantifiable lost cause. Way, way way, far, far, far too many lies & deceptions would in theory vitiate a large quantity all of human history. Sadly many humans are easily hoodwinked & are captured by the myth/legend/mithra/folklore/hope-ium/faith/be-LIE-f propositions vs. facts/truths. It’s possible to educate but that desire has to dwell in the Hearts & Souls of those who know how independently think & make inquiry’s to uncover the truths throughout twistory & where they were obfuscated, prevaricated & hidden. Freemasonry & Vatican archives has a lot if not most of records they don’t/won’t admit they have.

Vatican Archives also hold many of the planet’s unknown known’s. They aren’t responding to inquiries with any honesty for many reasons. They got caught & are too Ego driven (which goes against their own (axioms/tenets) prime directive rules to admit their lies & crimes & of course they’re complete hypocrisy.

What we can strive to acheive is the understanding of who the Freemasons really are & what they have done.

It’s a rigged system & they don’t/won’t just give it up because of the amount of power wield, they control, length of time the lies have been going on, what those lies imply & how complex the nature of the problem really is. The Demiurge is huge & vast & within that context is the keys to the Universal Laws & the lies which are many.

Good luck on your journey’s of truth trying to uncover all the lies, deceptions, myths, legends, falsehoods, hoodwinking & rigged paradigm & field of oppositions.
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Could it have possibly meant "before his beauty" or "before his pleasant (times)"? Maybe. It's a stretch, but it wouldn't be the first contortion of language, or the first phrase lost in translation.
In a number of older cultures, the war god was incredibly ugly until beautified by burning in a heavenly fire. So the connection makes sense. I’ve never thought about looking into “antebellum” with a possible connection to (supposedly) ancient religion, but that feels like an interesting avenue to go down.

It struck me the other day that when mandatory state schooling began in the USA, much of our understanding of the old world vanished. And then I thought about the Brothers Grimm, who rushed to save older German culture right as mandatory state schooling began there.

I don’t know what 2030 refers to. I’ve heard 2040 was the original year, which makes more sense if you believe the schedule of grand mutations matters to TPTB. 2020 was the last one and that was a big year.
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I've been gone for a while and I still am. One of the main reasons for me not being present is the lack of motivation due to family issues. It's one of those things when the darkness has no end in sight. Hopefully one day I'll be back, for deep inside I miss certain things.

For right now, I wanted to ask you guys about your thoughts on the year 2030 and all the hype attributed to this date. The PTB clearly puts a certain meaning to this "2030" date. As far as we know they keep on talking about the so-called "Climate Change" formerly known as the "Global Warming." The importance of the date appears to be relevant. It's either that (the importance of the date), or they just picked a date to achieve their "world management" goals. Could there be more to this date than we are being allowed to know?
World civilization cycles are one of the topics that I've been pondering on for a while now. Industrial revolutions appear to be convenient enough for re-introducing older technologies into the newly developing, post-apocalypse spins of the world civilization. From this perspective, the infatuation of the elites (imho, some of them do know what's up) with "2030" could be rather interesting. Additionally, we are obviously dealing with certain depopulation related agendas. I am no expert, but it does appear that our planet can sustain way more than whatever our current population is.
  • When could population numbers become really important?
    • This is just a speculation of mine, but I'd say at the time when people compete for food and resources in the absence of infrastructure and governance.
  • When could we possibly experience the absence of infrastructure and governance?
What events could result in something similar to what we see here and here?
  • Wars?
  • Urban Fires?
  • Natural disasters?
The Three Events
As far as I understand, the official chronology can not be trusted. With that in mind, I think we could have one 19th century USA event broken into three separate events. Chances are there are more than three such events, but these three definitely stand out.

1811-1812: New Madrid Earthquakes
The New Madrid Earthquakes took place between December 1811 and April 1812 along an active fault line that extends roughly from Marked Tree (Poinsett County) in a northeasterly direction, crossing several states for about 150 miles. The earthquakes and aftershocks caused extensive damage throughout northeast Arkansas and southeast Missouri, altering the landscape, affecting settlement of the area, and leaving noticeable reminders that another huge earthquake could happen at any time.
  • Thirty miles south, in the river town of what is today Caruthersville, Missouri, all twenty houses were destroyed, and the surrounding land was rendered almost unrecognizable.
  • The ground rolled in several-foot-high waves until they burst, hurling up geysers of water, sand, and a charcoal-like substance.
  • Giant fissures swallowed buildings, along with anyone inside.
  • Some land rose, and other land sank to become inundated with water as rivers changed their course to fill the hollows. Huge chunks of riverbank collapsed into the Mississippi, and an island rose, blocking the current from running downstream.
  • As fissures opened in the riverbed and the banks collapsed, the water was forced to run backward, or upstream, until the temporary island was washed away.
  • Most accounts said it lasted a few minutes, while others said it lasted up to three days.
View attachment 12374
1912 Source

1833: The Leonid Meteor Storm
The Leonid meteor storm was seen across the United States in the night and early morning of November 12th and 13th, 1833. Those who were awake to witness the storm were in awe as between 50,000 and 150,000 meteors fell each hour.
  • The 1833 Leonid Meteor Storm
  • To me, the above article sounded like an attempt to justify why just about every newspaper in the United States was publishing the exact same, or almost exact same text. Could it be that this is how historical narratives get introduced?
On a separate note, if these were not meteors, what could they be?

View attachment 12376

1859: The Carrington Event
The Carrington Event was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking from 1 to 2 September 1859 during solar cycle 10. It created strong auroral displays that were reported globally and caused sparking and even fires in multiple telegraph stations. The geomagnetic storm was most likely the result of a coronal mass ejection (CME) from the Sun colliding with Earth's magnetosphere.

I am not so sure there was "nothing much" to damage in those days. What about an allegedly "non-existent" at the time electrical grid?

The horse-drawn tram (horsecar) was an early form of public rail transport, which developed out of industrial haulage routes that had long been in existence, and from the omnibus routes that first ran on public streets in the 1820s, using the newly improved iron or steel rail or 'tramway'.
  • In the United States the very first streetcar appeared in New Orleans in 1832, operated by the Pontchartrain Railroad Company, followed by those in 1832 on the New York and Harlem Railroad in New York City.
  • Horsecar - Wikipedia
For whatever (historical) reason, the above contraption is claimed to be the original design. They manufactured rails, laid train tracks, built cars... for what exactly? For horses to pull them rigs?
  • Something does not add up here.
  • Do these technologies match, or people were forced to use horses for obvious reasons?
Who knows, may be in some remote year 2095, historians will claim the below designs were original as well. Will they claim that the Carrington event 2.0 of 2030 did not damage much because there was "nothing much" to damage?

View attachment 12392

Power Grid Cyber Attack
Another thing to consider is the constant "threat" of an imminent cyber attack. The MSM and WEF are pounding it down our throats. They even went as far as calling it a Cyber Pandemic.
Wondering, what would be the difference between a Power Grid Cyber Attack and some (known to some) "Carrington Event 2.0"?

KD Question: Prophets have been popping up left and right recently. Them climate changes, pandemics, cyber attacks, upcoming famine, etc. There is always someone out there to predict their occurrences, and somehow their "prophesies" become our reality.
  • Could it be that some people (or other entities) know what's coming around 2030, and govern the world society according to the pre-determined conservation plan?
This particular guideline does not appear to match our currently claimed world population of 7.9 bil. But what if this guideline shows how many people can be adequately governed and controlled to start a new civilizational cycle after a "world ending" event? Could it be that more than 500 mil. people existing under the conditions lacking infrastructure and governance would jeopardize the ability of the future Robber Barons to re-start the world?
  • After all, who needs extra millions of hungry individuals competing for food and resources when there are none?
Per our official history, humans of our kind and thinking ability exist for over 50,000 years. Yet, 200 years ago in 1820-30s (what would this date be without railroad locomotives?) people still used animal power for transportation. A couple industrial revolutions and one Nikola Tesla later, and we fly, drive, claim space travel and explore the metaverse.

Meanwhile, we have loads of evidence that this world was eviscerated (may be more than once). Dates differ, but plenty of this evidence points towards the first half of the 19th century being the most recent occurrence.

Here is the main question I guess: could it be that the projected "climate change" events of 2030 are a well disguised inevitable cyclical occurrence known to the select few?
  • If there is no climate change danger, and TPTB are not merely reorganizing the financial/governance structure of the planet... what could the significance of the year 2030 be?
I have all but two thoughts on the matter:
  1. We have no idea of the structure of the environment (what is our planet Earth?) we live in.
    • The Earth system could have some sort of a built-in fail-safe feature that under specific conditions triggers pre-programed events.
  2. Under specific conditions, we get attacked from the outside of our known geography.
    • These attacks are being presented as urban fires, meteor showers, Carrington events, years without summer and various New Madrid earthquakes.
Brilliant post, very intelligently written. Your intuition is working just fine.
This is what I have found out through my researches. And not only have I found this out through my researches, I have also found this out through my daily activities, through various means, such as dreams, visions, intuitions, promptings from the Spirit.
So...the Sun has been interfered with by negative alien forces which are in other dimensions. The beings in the parallel Milky Way galaxy have done a lot of evil there and here. The Sun is now in ascension mode. Because there are naturally 15 dimensions in the time-matrix grid structure, so that all galaxies are built on that model, but not all galaxies stay that way, or are built to those qualifications, just as some homes are not built to the best qualifications, so our Milky Way galaxy has been messed with by evil entities, mainly the Anunnaki, and then the Reptilians. But the entities who messed with the Sun's functioning were the Bourgha. When the Sun got attacked, it seized up, and then it went into ascension mode, meaning it is on its way back to the place of its origin. And the Earth is also going with it. The model of how things work in our galaxy that was given by Earth's scientists, is not correct. This place is severely distorted in the truth aspect, so we won't do well to listen to their babble. But we have to find out what the truth is by strenuous efforts. And so, the Sun and Earth are moving together in ascension. Anyway. The Sun has 15 dark matter layers, I suppose for each layer of the time-matrix grid structure. It was said that at the end of 2021 it would begin to throw off its first layer, and then every year another layer, if I remember correctly. And I'm not perfect, so forgive me if I make a mistake. And that this process the Sun is going through now, would cause biorhythm distortions to our bodies as well as interrupted sleep patterns, and other things.

One of the sources I found this info in, is the "Eternal Humans and the Finite gods" book (3rdEdition) by Theresa Talea. She was doing an analysis of Ashayana Deane's work because she felt that we were being lied to, which anyone would when they read the first book of Voyagers that she wrote. So in doing this analysis, she also brought in the knowledge of other beings, mainly the All That Is, The Pure Essence and Eia, who her mother and then herself made contact with after years of searching for the truth of who is the real and the original Creator. After I read the book a couple or so times, I realized a lot of this is very important, as much as it is difficult to take in. And so, that book she wrote, because of the sources such as the ATI,TPE and Eia, and other's, some 14th dimensional being, and others, I recommend those interested in the hidden from us knowledge, to check this book out.

Anyway, I'm putting this in, in case it may have something to do with the 2030 situation that the illuminati group is tending to.
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even learned people like you
Please refrain from sticking labels on me. It serves no purpose.
To me its very simple. I exist as material reality without knowing why nor how. I have imagination and senses that exist as the material reality. I seem to think though no clue what a thought its, where it arises, why it arises why most seem to vanish without trace nor indeed whose thoughts they truly are, with that said when I merge (could be a better word to use here) in experimental reality theory is not required. Experience, thought, understanding, comprehension, amazement, frustration all become one even doing something as benign as sitting watching the clouds, peering into a stream, listening to birds, watching a thunderstorm. The thoughts arise as the senses experience so is thought nothing more than the senses covering their bases?

I don't know but since I gave up theory in truth rejected theory things that used to worry and scare me no longer have that effect. So when threads like this one appear exploring peoples notions of other peoples intent through speculations based on printed words or speeches made by yet more people it almost makes me sad to realise most people seem to need theories which are making predictions about a dated future and of course predictions of the dated past, to base their experience of life upon.

Surely if the date is the thing that ties past and future to now it would be prudent to establish what and and crucially when dating became a thing as at least there would be a baseline established.
I know chronological theorists engage in this but they all become closed circuits as far as I can tell and what remains a theory for everyone else becomes experienced reality for the theorist.

It seems crystal clear to me the chronology of past and present is rooted, quite literally, in the overlay of a fake or broken calendar which serves to keep hierarchical authority front and centre for everyone to the benefit of its priests and disciples.

One thing I have noticed which has a direct bearing on history, stolen or otherwise, is these priests and disciples have to speak the truth somewhere. They may have to write it down or even print it out too. Presumably to comply with the rules of hierarchical authority as translated by the first priest aka a man god who invented hierarchical authority possibly when the printed word was invented.

It is a wonder which came first the written alphabet or the phonic alphabet. Either way once the printed word could be produced and read, as one is no use without the other, it became much easier to spread lies around and divide and conquer people and land and everything else whilst elevating the priest class so to speak into hierarchical authoritarians.
Not by knocking them off in endless war but by separating them into readers/writers and speaker/listeners.

Perhaps most of the infrastructure that endures, is beautiful, functional, elegant that us poor saps try to attribute to this culture, that time, that race, giants, gods, off worlders etc for no other reason than we are just to lazy and to busy to sit down and figure out how the thing was actually constructed or why it was constructed.
I reckon that the people who built these things did not use printed words they were speakers/listeners and built things not for money, prestige, power or control but because they could and they knew it would beautify or enhance this reality and frankly its long past due that we give up the printed word as much as we possibly can and rengage our imagination to create a better now and leave the theorists to their own devices.

What is as far as I can tell is likely is datingbusing the 365 calendar of any event anywhere be it past present or future is deliberately obfuscating reality. This allows the priests/disciples to fully comply with their rules by telling the truth but hide it amongst a multitude of made up people, events, stories chronologies. Akin to producing a plan and making it publically available for anyone to view as per the law of the country it is produced in but putting the physical plan in a filing cabinet in office in the overseas division of the company.
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Please refrain from sticking labels on me. It serves no purpose.
To me its very simple. I exist as material reality without knowing why nor how. I have imagination and senses that exist as the material reality. I seem to think though no clue what a thought its, where it arises, why it arises why most seem to vanish without trace nor indeed whose thoughts they truly are, with that said when I merge (could be a better word to use here) in experimental reality theory is not required. Experience, thought, understanding, comprehension, amazement, frustration all become one even doing something as benign as sitting watching the clouds, peering into a stream, listening to birds, watching a thunderstorm. The thoughts arise as the senses experience so is thought nothing more than the senses covering their bases?
I suspect you are being facetious about the nomenclature. In any case, having lived through many experiences whereby the spiritual shows itself in the material (that is, to use the words of the Bible, signs) and knowing the power of thought (that is, the ethereal power of communion with the higher orders), I remain convinced that the condition you describe, while valuable, cannot be the one in which I dwell because it empirically is not the experience in which I find myself.

1889-91 in Seattle defies all common sense. Breshears, at least prior to recent videos, does not attempt to come to terms with such anomalies. But, I have concluded he is on the right track and is helpful.
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1811-1812: New Madrid Earthquakes
Ok. Talking about dates, times...
This guy in the video at around 2:55, mentions a story that was published in 1886. Now check it out. If back then, they were seeing these creatures and less was being hidden from the people, that is, the media back then was a mix of truth-reporting, and the nefarious media-lies trying to disguise the truth, reported things in a more or less state the facts of what a person said they saw and experienced, and if many saw the same thing and similar things and put them all together for examination... then obviously, those things that were falling onto the planet, which were reported as meteors, were falling with those things that these people reported they saw were roaming around on the planet, as well.

To push away the glossy fog of indoctrination branded on our minds since we were born onto this planet, and allow our intuition, the subconscious, to show us what we in our conscious selves have not been aware of because of the rigid mind control, so that our conscious could be more aware and therefore we could learn what has happened to us, such as that our conscious and subconscious are so split up we can't seem to be able to use our telepathic abilities, let alone our abilities to create, we could, by refreshing our selves of the truth, however strange it may seem to us at the moment, we could "exit" those creatures and their nefarious ways from our planet, or at least, not be stuck here in a materialistic view of everything, and instead open to things that our ancestors used naturally so we could benefit ourselves instead of continuing to be slaves to those nefarious entites. The video here is just an example of why they would want to keep us dumbed down.

But, here is another story which was found in Nag Hammadi back in the 1940s, translated and put into a book called the "Nag Hammadi Library." This particular story, called "The Paraphrase of Shem," talks about these strange beings who are ruling over us, and that they should not be ruling over us because it was not meant to be, but that someone was crooked from the start, and the Mind that was from the pure essence had to be removed from them, which they misused for their evil purposes, so that they don't go on forever ruling over others with their evil ways.

The thing I was wondering about was how the end result turns out. And in this story it isn't clear...but it says something to the effect of, those who are sweet and lovely, are the one's who are somewhere else, whereas all those who are materialistic and corrupt, are thrown down and become a lump, just as they were from the beginning. Which seems to be they are talking about matter itself, the product, matter.

The point is, if you remove fear from your life, then you begin to see clear, because the fog disperses. What is this life here we've been living? Of course there is purpose. Those who move toward true purpose find that it is worth the struggle. Those who are purposeless, or put their purpose in things that wither, then they fear, and their fear takes them exactly to what is expected, their dead end. So what happens in 2030 or before or beyond, we still have a present life to fulfill, and to focus our selves into a direction that we would desire to be, that we would be pleased with when we get there.

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when mandatory state schooling began in the USA, much of our understanding of the old world vanished
Yes. Mandatory schooling isn't about education but indoctrination. The indoctrination is done with education as the medium. If you go back and look at the origin stories of our most revered universities you'll find them fettered to the elites and their agendas.

In the past, holistic medicine and natural processes were converted into "alternatives" and the new chemical pharmacology somehow, instantly became the standard. Imagine all of the “things” they wanted us to “know.” Much like current days, where children are taught all sorts of nonsense which I don’t believe to be true, but they sure do…. Pre Covid I would have adamantly defended the atheistic and nihilistic dogma I was raised with, though thankfully now my veil is lifted.

with regard to @jd755;

I’m having trouble reconciling what you’re saying. I also believe that our calendar is horse hockey. I also believe that some of the lies are inextricable, indistinguishable, or otherwise beyond reproach. I also believe the puzzle being pieced together, we don’t even know what the pieces look like, let alone the final result. Maybe you’re right, and we cannot ever truly know what’s true. But if we know there are lies… do we find solace in accepting that we don’t know and coping?

or are we indeed honor bound to the pursuit of truth despite the odds? In the absence of that truth, is philosophizing on the very nature of the truth still a worthwhile endeavor? I believe so. Certainly a worthier pursuit than microwaving a HungryMan and watching Real Housewives of New Jersey, or however the complacent and remiss pass their time. Wouldn’t you rather grasp at straws and conjecture with the likeminded?
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I’m having trouble reconciling what you’re saying. I also believe that our calendar is horse hockey. I also believe that some of the lies are inextricable, indistinguishable, or otherwise beyond reproach. I also believe the puzzle being pieced together, we don’t even know what the pieces look like, let alone the final result. Maybe you’re right, and we cannot ever truly know what’s true. But if we know there are lies… do we find solace in accepting that we don’t know and coping?

or are we indeed honor bound to the pursuit of truth despite the odds? In the absence of that truth, is philosophizing on the very nature of the truth still a worthwhile endeavor? I believe so. Certainly a worthier pursuit than microwaving a HungryMan and watching Real Housewives of New Jersey, or however the complacent and remiss pass their time. Wouldn’t you rather grasp at straws and conjecture with the likeminded?
I don't believe anything. The 365 calendar is fake as I said natural events reveal the inherent perfection the 360 calendar is.

Acceptance stands by itself. The impact it has on the individual is a differrernt matter entirely and is emotionally expressed. And as emotions are in motion it flits from rage to calm and everything in between within the individual.

Korben asked if they are hiding something in Agenda 30

Education preaches to us to look to others for knowledge, for answers, for guidance never once does its promulgators even hint that looking and being with oneself is when knowledge appears.
Gotta keep that job at whatever cost.
Here is the main question I guess: could it be that the projected "climate change" events of 2030 are a well disguised inevitable cyclical occurrence known to the select few?
To answer that.
Any cyclical occurrence that can be said to occur outside a normal lifespan of man is dubious at best. Simply because there is no way to check beyond written and dated journals and dated art both of which can be faked quite easily.
They may well be an honest retelling of an experienced event but with no method of checking yet devised they have to remain curious and the dating dubious.

We truly have all we need to know about this geographical reality its a level plane. Every built structure extant in this moment is built to the level plane and the plumb vertical which is at ninety degrees to the level.
The univerrsal level is the surface of contained water.

This means the ocean is contained. Where the container is or even if there is one is not known but puddles fom in any depression or hollow until they fill too much and the water overflows. This could well be the situation here which would mean the earth plane is beyond our comprehension when it comes to scale.

As for attacks coming from outside of where we are why are they always in the past?
Have the outsiders just given up, stripped the place bare, been repulsed, are all dead?

As for the dream world and spiritual world neither seems capable of manifesdting in the material world other than by an individfual observing something material as a sign and attributing it tother dream or spiritual worlds.

As for the Vatican. None who have been in the archives have revealed anything of their contents let alone the entirety of the content so until they do I have no idea what might be there.

As for Freemasons. Look at their logo its a square and a compass. With those two devices and the level plane the entirety of built infrastructure has been constructed. So if the Freemasons know anything its that this geographical reality is a level plane. Why they choose not to crush the spinning ball theory I know not. Perhaps the ball theory was their invention to give themselves an illusion of monopoly on reality, who knows.
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I don't believe anything. The 365 calendar is fake as I said natural events reveal the inherent perfection the 360 calendar is.
This is like, really crazy. I'm starting to wonder whether anything is actually real. Oh my goodness. I'm really glad that I saw this post a few days ago and came here, because, I feel like I need some safety with like minded people. Sometimes, these days, it feels like reality is vanishing before my very eyes. The thoughts that I had pulled together after many years of research, to try to fit together and make a cohesive whole...seems to be maybe I found all the pieces? and now all that I have put dissolving...and maybe I'm now in the great wide open unknown, just anticipating what the next experience I'll be in. I just feel so fragile. It's alright though. I know I have the strength to get through this. I have to. I haven't struggled this long, lost almost all my family to deaths, and etc with others. But, ok, I have you people, intelligent, good, truth seeking people.

Alright. Now that I've expressed myself a little. It's because I was just now listening to this video, and when he started talking about that cetus, or whale constellation, I just started to get, I don't know how to describe it, but, creeped out. Help! It's like, I don't know. 2022 is hard enough.

Link Between Gnostic Archons & ET Phenomena

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Reality is a very interesting subject, and the interpretation of that reality is interestingly subjective.

I have decided to rely solely upon my senses and my intuition for the more lofty and ethereal concepts. It’s amazing the size and stench of the turds that the public education system has convinced us to swallow. When I decided to cut ties with the “reality” we’ve been fed, it was tough and I felt lost. I looked for god, but didn’t find it. I looked everywhere for everything. What I found were some forums with people who also are looking (nobody in my local life understands) for answers.

ultimately it’s ok to not know, especially if you know you don’t know.
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The importance of the date appears to be relevant. It's either that (the importance of the date), or they just picked a date to achieve their "world management" goals. Could there be more to this date than we are being allowed to know?
Just reading through this thread again and this jumped out.

As with Agenda 21Agenda 30 sold to us as the target dates of 2021 and 2030 they could simply be catchy numbers so to speak. Numbers that are easy to stick into peoples minds.

They could also be 21 years and 30 years from some event that occurred in the physical reality of 2000 that we are unaware of. Perhaps their significance if there is any is to be found in 2000?
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Just reading through this thread again and this jumped out.

As with Agenda 21Agenda 30 sold to us as the target dates of 2021 and 2030 they could simply be catchy numbers so to speak. Numbers that are easy to stick into peoples minds.

They could also be 21 years and 30 years from some event that occurred in the physical reality of 2000 that we are unaware of. Perhaps their significance if there is any is to be found in 2000?
Edgar Cayce talked about something weird happening to our timeline in 1998 too, maybe you are on to something.
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Perhaps their significance if there is any is to be found in 2000?
I was lying in bed last night thinking about this amongst all of the “end of days” that have come and gone. Y2K came to mind, which was a lot of fuss with little to no fizz.

Y2K compliance was everywhere. All software and OS “needed” updates. Banks were set to collapse, planes would fall from the sky, and our technological infrastructure would come to a screeching halt as 99 rolled back to 00 instead of 1999 rolling over to 2000. I was just a junior in highschool at the time but I was homesteading in the internet frontier, and I don’t recall one iota of damages or downtime. Apparently ALL of the nation’s systems got their upgrades and we dodged a bullet.

Or alternatively, perhaps it was an illusory problem.

I’m winging this, so try to bear with me:

The Internet Was Created as a Surveillance Network
In reference to the book Surveillance Valley by Yasha Levine

Let’s say we wanted everybody in the world to participate in a medical experiment. We could unleash a virus, bang the fear drums, and tell everybody that the cure is participating in the medical experiment. This has been proven to work 😉

Now let’s say that the internet was really designed and implemented as a surveillance tool to data mine on the general population. Maybe it didn’t work well or the scope of the project increased, or (insert reason) and the orchestrators decided that to remedy the situation, everybody needed to have specific software that was addressable by their systems. How do they silently do it?

Send ninja assassins into your home or business to install software under the cover of night? Not practical.

offer free upgrades or whatever? Sure, but there’ll be lots of people that don’t hear about it, or don’t care…

finally, tell the world it’s going to end unless they gain Y2K compliance, and watch the world scramble feverishly to get the shot. Oops I mean install the software.

During the same three or four years that we were working on Y2K, we were building our distributed network.

Y2K Figures Hide Hardware Upgrades
Imagine what all could’ve been done under the guise of Y2K.

maybe that was the launching point, or the planting of seeds for this technocracy
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I thought I would check out the links above to Jason Breshears and see if he knows anything. I started with video #1 on his site. He does know its a flat earth but he also thinks Mount Vesuvius buried Pompeii in 79 AD (haven't we covered that on SH?). He quotes a book called The Encyclopedia of World Facts and Dates which has a picture of an astronaut on the moon on the cover and also refers to the Big Bang. And haven't we already determined that the dates are off? He references a book called The Destruction of Atlantis which I will have to look into because I thought the only evidence for Atlantis came from the writings of Plato. That's just the first 7 minutes of the first video.

At 13:15 Jason says " is south of the Solar system".
That is interesting because he refers to the flat earth right out of the gate in his first video. Having his cake and eating it too?
I know what you are saying, does the heliocentric model (solar system) have an up and down, north and south? I guess if the earth is right-side up, then the solar system is right-side up and anything below it is south. His logic not mine.
The key thing that I see is that he is resting his case on dates that are questionable, which can certainly affect his "every 138 years" cycle.
Also he thinks books are trustworthy while the internet is not (nothing is trustworthy).

So... back to the 2030 thing. I could have sworn the original date was 2050 and that they moved it up, however I am having a hard time finding corroboration. I was just looking at the UN Agenda 21 page but no luck. You guys are better researchers than I am, I'm just good at putting things together when I have the pieces.
There are many references to a “great harvest” of people. Human beings? Perhaps the souls which we contain?
I think maybe we should think of it as they are harvesting our negative energy such as fear, anger, hate, etc. Its easy to see how hard they are working to generate fear in the population.
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I feel like somehow this thread shifted the focus into discussing one guy and verifying any theories.

I'll share my path so far, tipping my hat to Banta, as sometimes I feel blues with my inability to verify any historical information.

Reality is kind of simulation - every hair is counted, every word is/was/will be recorded. Flat plane, lights in the skies pointing to precisely calculated motions.
Information, they say, is encoded into chemicals that recreate themselves and track time to produce monthly cycles so it can be recreated again.
All pointing to the grand design and the Creator.
Old writing, inspired words by Creator, written down as true testimony by man to point to the Way to enjoy this ride.
Others, playing some soul game with mankind, writing backstories, staging events, tempting mankind to commit evil acts.
Approaching end of Age, the great finale, the repayment for the wicked and glory to the Creator.
No fear, do not consent, shine your light.
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