Question | Year 2030: what are they hiding?

Oct 29, 2020
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I've been gone for a while and I still am. One of the main reasons for me not being present is the lack of motivation due to family issues. It's one of those things when the darkness has no end in sight. Hopefully one day I'll be back, for deep inside I miss certain things.

For right now, I wanted to ask you guys about your thoughts on the year 2030 and all the hype attributed to this date. The PTB clearly puts a certain meaning to this "2030" date. As far as we know they keep on talking about the so-called "Climate Change" formerly known as the "Global Warming." The importance of the date appears to be relevant. It's either that (the importance of the date), or they just picked a date to achieve their "world management" goals. Could there be more to this date than we are being allowed to know?
World civilization cycles are one of the topics that I've been pondering on for a while now. Industrial revolutions appear to be convenient enough for re-introducing older technologies into the newly developing, post-apocalypse spins of the world civilization. From this perspective, the infatuation of the elites (imho, some of them do know what's up) with "2030" could be rather interesting. Additionally, we are obviously dealing with certain depopulation related agendas. I am no expert, but it does appear that our planet can sustain way more than whatever our current population is.
  • When could population numbers become really important?
    • This is just a speculation of mine, but I'd say at the time when people compete for food and resources in the absence of infrastructure and governance.
  • When could we possibly experience the absence of infrastructure and governance?
What events could result in something similar to what we see here and here?
  • Wars?
  • Urban Fires?
  • Natural disasters?
The Three Events
As far as I understand, the official chronology can not be trusted. With that in mind, I think we could have one 19th century USA event broken into three separate events. Chances are there are more than three such events, but these three definitely stand out.

1811-1812: New Madrid Earthquakes
The New Madrid Earthquakes took place between December 1811 and April 1812 along an active fault line that extends roughly from Marked Tree (Poinsett County) in a northeasterly direction, crossing several states for about 150 miles. The earthquakes and aftershocks caused extensive damage throughout northeast Arkansas and southeast Missouri, altering the landscape, affecting settlement of the area, and leaving noticeable reminders that another huge earthquake could happen at any time.
  • Thirty miles south, in the river town of what is today Caruthersville, Missouri, all twenty houses were destroyed, and the surrounding land was rendered almost unrecognizable.
  • The ground rolled in several-foot-high waves until they burst, hurling up geysers of water, sand, and a charcoal-like substance.
  • Giant fissures swallowed buildings, along with anyone inside.
  • Some land rose, and other land sank to become inundated with water as rivers changed their course to fill the hollows. Huge chunks of riverbank collapsed into the Mississippi, and an island rose, blocking the current from running downstream.
  • As fissures opened in the riverbed and the banks collapsed, the water was forced to run backward, or upstream, until the temporary island was washed away.
  • Most accounts said it lasted a few minutes, while others said it lasted up to three days.

1912 Source

1833: The Leonid Meteor Storm
The Leonid meteor storm was seen across the United States in the night and early morning of November 12th and 13th, 1833. Those who were awake to witness the storm were in awe as between 50,000 and 150,000 meteors fell each hour.
  • The 1833 Leonid Meteor Storm
  • To me, the above article sounded like an attempt to justify why just about every newspaper in the United States was publishing the exact same, or almost exact same text. Could it be that this is how historical narratives get introduced?
On a separate note, if these were not meteors, what could they be?



1859: The Carrington Event
The Carrington Event was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking from 1 to 2 September 1859 during solar cycle 10. It created strong auroral displays that were reported globally and caused sparking and even fires in multiple telegraph stations. The geomagnetic storm was most likely the result of a coronal mass ejection (CME) from the Sun colliding with Earth's magnetosphere.


I am not so sure there was "nothing much" to damage in those days. What about an allegedly "non-existent" at the time electrical grid?


The horse-drawn tram (horsecar) was an early form of public rail transport, which developed out of industrial haulage routes that had long been in existence, and from the omnibus routes that first ran on public streets in the 1820s, using the newly improved iron or steel rail or 'tramway'.
  • In the United States the very first streetcar appeared in New Orleans in 1832, operated by the Pontchartrain Railroad Company, followed by those in 1832 on the New York and Harlem Railroad in New York City.
  • Horsecar - Wikipedia
For whatever (historical) reason, the above contraption is claimed to be the original design. They manufactured rails, laid train tracks, built cars... for what exactly? For horses to pull them rigs?
  • Something does not add up here.
  • Do these technologies match, or people were forced to use horses for obvious reasons?
Who knows, may be in some remote year 2095, historians will claim the below designs were original as well. Will they claim that the Carrington event 2.0 of 2030 did not damage much because there was "nothing much" to damage?


Power Grid Cyber Attack
Another thing to consider is the constant "threat" of an imminent cyber attack. The MSM and WEF are pounding it down our throats. They even went as far as calling it a Cyber Pandemic.
Wondering, what would be the difference between a Power Grid Cyber Attack and some (known to some) "Carrington Event 2.0"?

KD Question: Prophets have been popping up left and right recently. Them climate changes, pandemics, cyber attacks, upcoming famine, etc. There is always someone out there to predict their occurrences, and somehow their "prophesies" become our reality.
  • Could it be that some people (or other entities) know what's coming around 2030, and govern the world society according to the pre-determined conservation plan?
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.jpg

This particular guideline does not appear to match our currently claimed world population of 7.9 bil. But what if this guideline shows how many people can be adequately governed and controlled to start a new civilizational cycle after a "world ending" event? Could it be that more than 500 mil. people existing under the conditions lacking infrastructure and governance would jeopardize the ability of the future Robber Barons to re-start the world?
  • After all, who needs extra millions of hungry individuals competing for food and resources when there are none?
Per our official history, humans of our kind and thinking ability exist for over 50,000 years. Yet, 200 years ago in 1820-30s (what would this date be without railroad locomotives?) people still used animal power for transportation. A couple industrial revolutions and one Nikola Tesla later, and we fly, drive, claim space travel and explore the metaverse.

Meanwhile, we have loads of evidence that this world was eviscerated (may be more than once). Dates differ, but plenty of this evidence points towards the first half of the 19th century being the most recent occurrence.

Here is the main question I guess: could it be that the projected "climate change" events of 2030 are a well disguised inevitable cyclical occurrence known to the select few?
  • If there is no climate change danger, and TPTB are not merely reorganizing the financial/governance structure of the planet... what could the significance of the year 2030 be?
I have all but two thoughts on the matter:
  1. We have no idea of the structure of the environment (what is our planet Earth?) we live in.
    • The Earth system could have some sort of a built-in fail-safe feature that under specific conditions triggers pre-programed events.
  2. Under specific conditions, we get attacked from the outside of our known geography.
    • These attacks are being presented as urban fires, meteor showers, Carrington events, years without summer and various New Madrid earthquakes.
We have no idea of the structure of the environment (what is our planet Earth?) we live in.
  • The Earth system could have some sort of a built-in fail-safe feature that under specific conditions triggers pre-programed events.
With astounding erudition Jason Breshears hits this. He argues that 2040 is the key date. "The angel of death" comes every 138 years. He calls it the Phoenix event. In 2046, the entire cycle, that began with the Adamites, comes to a halt. We'll enter into another "vapor-canopy" period. Sometime late in the next century, the capstone of Enoch's great pyramid will be returned and this entire holographic reality will change. We, re-incarnating souls, will be delivered out of the simulacrum at that time.

He bases his argument on encyclopedic readings of "ancient" texts-- texts which he know may if fact not be ancient. In any case, he also draws heavily from 19th century writers, who were at greater liberty to speculate and publish on history and science than we, post -1945, can.

Current events, such as food and energy shortages, are entirely the result of the PTB stocking up; for they intend to ride this thing out underground. Masses of immigrants are being allowed across the border to work on these Dr. Strangelove shelters. Moreover, the push to "clean" energy is a total ruse; for when the vapor canopy returns, fossil fuels will be of the greatest use, while solar and other energy sources will be far less reliable.

Although he does not consider himself a Christian, I consider him one of the greatest Christian thinkers I've ever read. His eschatology would seem entirely alien to most Christians, but his vision is one of deliverance from a holographic reality that was hijacked by what he calls "Artificial Intelligence X." He draws this back to Iggigi. The original benefactors and, indeed, creators of mankind were the Annunu. (Yes, we were originally a race of mining slaves in this story).

All the evidence drawn from the 19th century is so anomalous that he posits that we may be seeing multiple timelines playing out-- their artifacts scattered all around us.
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Thank you @Sonofabor. Found this to listen to.
  • We'll discuss the Pre-Flood World, and how it foreshadows coming events, the Zodiac as an Apocalypse Decoder and prophetic information from ancient texts.
  • The ancient past, behind-the-scenes happenings throughout all time periods, censored histories, the academic cover-ups, real facts about race, religion, subversive societies and even psi-based predictive systems of analysis by which future events can be known beforehand are uncovered and explained.
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20 years ago I was in school, I had a very alert teacher.

At that time in Mexico very few people had access to a computer (they were very expensive), very few had internet.

So in every history class instead of reading us the history as it came in the books, he told us about his own conclusions, and the interesting things he saw on the internet.

I remember he told us about Assange and Snowden who were releasing private emails between politicians and that they could be downloaded, he had downloaded the file and was inspecting them, translating them into Spanish.

He also talked about how the elite were in a hurry to fulfill their planned agenda and as an approximate date he gave us 2030, he told us that all these events would begin and as indications that they were underway would be these: gender ideologies, climate change, wars, food shortages, the fall of the Internet, etc.

I do not know if this has anything to do with the "solar minimum" as I understand, is an event that happens every so often and has to do with the sun, which caused a mini ice age similar to the year without summer. They know it and do not say it because they seek to take advantage of that situation.

They talk about global warming when in reality it will be a mini ice age.

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I don’t know how one sorts the wheat from the chaff in this conversation. And perhaps that even applies to those who have more occulted knowledge than the rest of us. Not that I’m much of a Bible literalist, but this pops into mind:
Immediately after the tribulation of those days:

The sun will be darkened,

and the moon will not give its light;

the stars will fall from the sky,

and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.’

At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And He will send out His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
Now learn this lessone from the fig tree: As soon as its branches become tender and sprout leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see all these things, you will know that He is near, right at the door. Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.

No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father
Maybe being a literalist here is useful though, as Jesus is clearly talking about a cataclysm that is going to happen within his disciples lifetime. So perhaps some have a greater ability to lock down these cycles in the current era. Hell, our group here likely could if we had more complete information, but that’s assuming that more complete information was preserved and exists.

To me, it’s as reasonable to suggest that it doesn’t as it does. If I’ve learned anything, I’ve learned that history is a mess with lies, omissions, and misdirections from likely lots of different people and organizations with different agendas at different times. It may be impossible for even “the elite” to back engineer all of this, who I still doubt are a monolithic organization to themselves. For instance, does the Catholic Church share their full archive with folks from the WEF? Do the Jesuits even have access to the full spectrum of those records (maybe now and grounds for interesting speculation on the current “Pope”)? I worry that centuries of deception have created an unsolvable puzzle for even the most “in the know.”

So, 2030 may simply be a best guess based in context clues. Or more disturbingly, there are some who are trying to actively create the conditions that lead to “reset” (for lack of a better term). Then there may be factions trying to fight against that! Truly, none of this is easy to sum up because I suspect that most major destructive events are a combination of nature and manmade. The only thing that looks obvious is that stability on Earth for any civilization is fleeting and we’re clearly reaching an expiration point. Maybe most elites are of the same opinion, with little more to back it up because in the human quest for contemporary power, we end up erasing the very data that would help future generations avoid catastrophe. There’s something very human about that thought that rings true to me.
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This whole Agenda 2030, all timelines lead to 2030 thing always makes me think of the Hidden Hand Dialogue. If you’re unfamiliar I would urge you to read the entire “conversation.” In my opinion, it is to be taken with as many grains of salt as any narrative-provided info as well as any anti-TPTB conjecture.

You can read the dialogue here, amongst many places.

There are many references to a “great harvest” of people. Human beings? Perhaps the souls which we contain? A particular quote:
before the coming Harvest. Those that don't make it, will have to repeat the cycle.
HH makes comments about needing the population as “negatively polarized” as possible for harvest, but that positively polarized are harvestable as well.

Were/are humans cyclically harvested? Is 500,000,000 the magic number of humans to carry over to the next round, like unused PTO?
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This whole Agenda 2030, all timelines lead to 2030 thing always makes me think of the Hidden Hand Dialogue. If you’re unfamiliar I would urge you to read the entire “conversation.” In my opinion, it is to be taken with as many grains of salt as any narrative-provided info as well as any anti-TPTB conjecture.

You can read the dialogue here, amongst many places.

There are many references to a “great harvest” of people. Human beings? Perhaps the souls which we contain? A particular quote:

HH makes comments about needing the population as “negatively polarized” as possible for harvest, but that positively polarized are harvestable as well.

Were/are humans cyclically harvested? Is 500,000,000 the magic number of humans to carry over to the next round, like unused PTO?
I hadn’t seen that before but looks like it’s cribbing from a variety of older materials, like the alleged “channeled” Council of Nine and/or Ra Law of One, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, this book on the Illuminati that the CIA helpfully posts, etc, etc. There is an endless rabbit hole of connection between New Age spiritualism and conspiracy theory going back into perhaps antiquity, as groups like the Theosophical Society would likely claim. I hazard to make any firm judgments about any of it, but the endless variations on the theme of population reduction seem akin to the infinite musings on the nature of God. For me, it fits neatly into the idea that most only have large brushstrokes (knowing that large population decreases due to environmental/manmade disaster happen periodically) and want to offer their explanation for a phenomenon that is perhaps beyond human comprehension.

Or one of these explanations is the right one, much like religion. I guess you won’t know for sure until it’s too late. Cheers! :)
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Wondering if words antediluvian and antebellum have anything to do with these events. Between these two it’s the “antebellum” that I’m most suspicious about. Somehow I doubt that we understand it properly. Bellum it probably was, at least it could be, but was it the Civil War in it’s traditional meaning?
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Here are some interesting data. antebellum usage according to google ngram:
A few first occurrences of the word between approx. 1695-1705, and some follow up usage approx. 1760-1820, before catapulting into frequency in the late 1800s.

compared to antediluvian:

antediluvian enjoyed usage in the early 1500s, with a little bump circa 1600, and then similar (to antebellum) spurs in printing around 1700.

Strangely, this shows that western literature swiftly abandoned the capital A around 1750, with no substantive decrease in use, but a clear handoff between Antediluvian and antediluvian. antediluvian then fades away around 1900, only to see antebellum’s use skyrocket circa 1950.

I don’t really like using the tools provided by TPTB to dissect history, but what else do we have?

Here are the usages of antebellum, antediluvian, and plain old bellum, superimposed chronologically. the scale of the Y axis is not uniform between the words, and any word's peak usage is only in proportion to itself (example: peak occurrence of antebellum may be 100 times and peak usage of bellum may be 1000 times, though they appear comparable on the chart).

the blues are antebellum, the greens are antediluvian, and the yellows are bellum. I immediately notice some correlation and some inverse correlation, but what (if anything) does it mean?

Even further down the rabbit hole, is bellum really war in this instance? Bellum is homonymous, meaning either "war" or "beautiful"


Could it have possibly meant "before his beauty" or "before his pleasant (times)"? Maybe. It's a stretch, but it wouldn't be the first contortion of language, or the first phrase lost in translation.
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Odd this date 2030 came up as I just watched a podcast with Jason Beshears from where he discusses agenda 2030 being a psyop. The real year is 2040 and its the return of the Phoenix. It comes every 138 years he says. This guys research is phenomenal. My new favorite channel. His research is on par with what some of you guys add to this site. I highly recommend checking out some of his videos. This is the video I started with and i will leave it here for some of you to view.

With astounding erudition Jason Breshears hits this. He argues that 2040 is the key date. "The angel of death" comes every 138 years. He calls it the Phoenix event. In 2046, the entire cycle, that began with the Adamites, comes to a halt. We'll enter into another "vapor-canopy" period. Sometime late in the next century, the capstone of Enoch's great pyramid will be returned and this entire holographic reality will change. We re-incarnating souls will be delivered out of the simulacrum at that time.

He bases his argument on encyclopedic readings of "ancient" texts-- texts which he know may if fact not be ancient. In any case, he also draws heavily from 19th century writers, who were at greater liberty to speculate and publish on history and science than we, post -1945, can.

Current events, such as food and energy shortages, are entirely the result of the PTB stocking up; for they intend to ride this thing out underground. Masses of immigrants are being allowed across the border to work on these Dr. Strangelove shelters. Moreover, the push to "clean" energy is a total ruse; for when the vapor canopy returns, fossil fuels will be of the greatest use, while solar and other energy sources will be far less reliable.

Although he does not consider himself a Christian, I consider him one of the greatest Christian thinkers I've ever read. His eschatology would seem entirely alien to most Christians, but his vision is one of deliverance from a holographic reality that was hijacked by what he calls "Artificial Intelligence X." He draws this back to Iggigi. The original benefactors and, indeed, creators of mankind were the Annunu. (Yes, we were originally a race of mining slaves in this story).

All the evidence drawn from the 19th century is so anomalous that he posits that we may be seeing multiple timelines playing out-- their artifacts scattered all around us.
I just posted this same info as I just found Jason last week. Incredible researcher isnt he?
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Interesting that you mentioned him. In this post @Sonofabor talks about the same thing.
I just saw that after posting. I went back and did a search for the phoenix and his comment and mine came up. I hadnt seen it b4 I posted. I apologize for the repeating what Sonofabor posted.
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I just saw that after posting. I went back and did a search for the phoenix and his comment and mine came up. I hadnt seen it b4 I posted. I apologize for the repeating what Sonofabor posted.
That's not what I meant :). I was thinking along the lines that may be this Jason Beshears is onto something if two of you independently recommend him.
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That's not what I meant :). I was thinking along the lines that may be this Jason Beshears is onto something if two of you independently recommend him.
I didnt think that was your angle. I still wanted to apologize for being repetitive. I also sent Jason a link to this thread in case he would like to add to this thread.
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Odd this date 2030 came up as I just watched a podcast with Jason Beshears from where he discusses agenda 2030 being a psyop. The real year is 2040 and its the return of the Phoenix.
Smart to push it out ten more years, that’s a lot more book sales. Although it always comes faster than you’d like, many are still bathing in the tears of 2012 failed prophecies.

I admit I may be too cynical and maybe this guy’s research is superb. Though looking through his website, he seems all in on ancient dates going back 7,000 years and the heliocentric model. Wondered how he validated those premises… or did he just start building by picking and choosing different data points that suited his narrative? How many videos do I need to watch or books I need to buy to find out?

Heh, I think I’m feeling salty today, I’m just gonna post this really quick and see myself out. If Mr. Beshears does drop by, perhaps he can explain why he feels confident in any historical claims prior to, and let’s be super generous, the 10th century AD given the complete absence of any primary sources.

Edit: I’m sorry (not sorry), let me add some more salt. Perusing this site further:
Because Chronicon is hundreds of pages of meticulous historical, textual and calendar data, this was written as a year-by-year history from 5239 BCE to 1 BCE just explaining what happened each year without all the extras. This is for looking up dates fast and knowing what occurred.
Oh thank goodness he trimmed the fat. I hate it when I just want a succinct summary of 3409 BC and get the boxscore from when the Cairo Chiefs played the Sumerian Eagles and all the celebrity deaths.
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That’s a very high sodium diet you’re on there. Though I agree.

What attracted me to this forum was the conversation; the different viewpoints, the devil’s advocacy, and the propositions both wild and tame. When attempting to piece together a distorted and fraudulent history, it’s as futile to (strictly) adhere to one man’s ideas as it is the “narrative.”

I wish there was some single authority with an indisputable theory, or some single repository of knowledge with immutable content. In the absence of either, one should welcome all ideas but subscribe with prejudice. I’ve spent a great deal of time consuming content from folks whom I fundamentally disagree with, because while they may draw arguable conclusions, they may draw them interesting new (to me) ideas.
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I don't think it is something they are hiding, iIthink it is something they are fearing, I base this conclusion upon their actions, their fear is the the hive mind uniting and just turning around and saying no we ain't listening to your horseshit anymore, hence the need for full retard totali-Tarian control, sorry for my word play but this is just know how my body tells my mind to read, I think by 2030 there will be enough people on wherever it is we reside that it will become exponentially difficult to contain such contagious outbreaks that will threaten the TPTB, if they don't get a grip soon their current version of Rome will burn and a phoenix will rise from the ashes that they will not be in control of.
Odd this date 2030 came up as I just watched a podcast with Jason Beshears from where he discusses agenda 2030 being a psyop. The real year is 2040 and its the return of the Phoenix. It comes every 138 years he says. This guys research is phenomenal. My new favorite channel. His research is on par with what some of you guys add to this site. I highly recommend checking out some of his videos. This is the video I started with and i will leave it here for some of you to view.

I just posted this same info as I just found Jason last week. Incredible researcher isnt he?

As for Waters above crypto, I have been watching his vids for over a year as he often comes up in the crypto telegram group run by another guy called Wayki Wayki( I have found him to be the most genuine truther/alt type), anyways we have all come to the conclusion the Jorden AKA waters above crypto often gets it 180deg wrong and then does not own his mistakes which cost folks lots of money even if it is funny money, my pet word for the crypto markets is s-crypto because like everything else it is a very tightly controlled narrative

He is also associated with the decode your reality youtube channel which is run by the British guy living in china who thinks there is some kind of code in the bible, here is his only thread on the site.

Deception goes further back than you think

I maybe being cynical but i think they may all be in a kind of alt media circle jerk that is designed to further muddy the water that should have become clear some time ago and that is the we just say no we ain't playing your/the game any more.

KD, welcome back, you have been missed, I hope your personal situations will improve in time, when I look back on the difficulty's I have faced after a little time and reflection what I think of as painful at the time almost always morph into a useful asset in the future.
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Smart to push it out ten more years, that’s a lot more book sales. Although it always comes faster than you’d like, many are still bathing in the tears of 2012 failed prophecies.

I admit I may be too cynical and maybe this guy’s research is superb. Though looking through his website, he seems all in on ancient dates going back 7,000 years and the heliocentric model. Wondered how he validated those premises… or did he just start building by picking and choosing different data points that suited his narrative? How many videos do I need to watch or books I need to buy to find out?

Heh, I think I’m feeling salty today, I’m just gonna post this really quick and see myself out. If Mr. Beshears does drop by, perhaps he can explain why he feels confident in any historical claims prior to, and let’s be super generous, the 10th century AD given the complete absence of any primary sources.

Edit: I’m sorry (not sorry), let me add some more salt. Perusing this site further:

Oh thank goodness he trimmed the fat. I hate it when I just want a succinct summary of 3409 BC and get the boxscore from when the Cairo Chiefs played the Sumerian Eagles and all the celebrity deaths.
He didnt push back any dates from what I have read. His info was out there before 2012 prediction. I believe it was out around 2005 if I am not mistaken. Odd that you would scrutinize without really giving any time to reading any of his info.
Try giving this a listen, he breaks down all sorts of history that you can go confirm from ancient texts. A lot of the numbers and dates repeat and very odd. Even after changing calendars a few times.

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He didnt push back any dates from what I have read. His info was out there before 2012 prediction. I believe it was out around 2005 if I am not mistaken. Odd that you would scrutinize without really giving any time to reading any of his info.
Try giving this a listen, he breaks down all sorts of history that you can go confirm from ancient texts. A lot of the numbers and dates repeat and very odd. Even after changing calendars a few times.
To clarify, I wasn’t accusing him of pushing back a date from 2012, simply drawing a comparison between those doomsday soothsayers and his prediction of 2040 being a key date (as opposed to 2030). Mostly being snarky and as you note, perhaps unfairly as I never really dove into his body of work. However, when your texts are paywalled and the videos lengthy, well… doesn’t excuse me, but doesn’t exactly inspire me either.

I just have a few rather critical stumbling blocks here. I mean, as soon as the video loads, I see a CGI ball earth that fades into a chart that starts with 5239 BC (not 5240 or 5238). That’s some major precision there which I simply have a hard time believing is going to be justified. Even your statement “ancient texts”… I’m not sure how one determines which ones are truly ancient, given, as stated above, the complete lack of original primary documents prior to the 10th century (being generous there again). I do know how such documents (or etchings or structures or what have you) are alleged to be dated and I find it all to be circular at best, usually operating off of some other “known” chronological event(s) and making comparisons.

Based on my experience and perusal of this gentlemen’s catalogue, he seems like a professional dot connector… in the couple minutes I skipped to in the video, I already hear Sitchin being referenced who was a similar ilk. Basically, they work off the dates assembled by the academic mainstream except in instances where it doesn’t quite suit their narrative, then they’ll cite alternative/new theories. Basically they use accepted chronology as a foundational element of their work, conceding that it’s largely accurate but perhaps needs some tweaks. I do not share such faith in the modern narrative. Hell, I’m somewhat reluctant at times to even say “prior to the 10th century” because I’m not sure of the veracity of anything at any point (especially beyond the last 100 years). I see history being falsified in damn near real time, and it’s my guess that this has a compounding effect. Meaning my degree in confidence of events in the 19th century is higher than the 14th, but there’s asterisks around all of this. You take me back to BC and I’m going have a real hard time here, even if you cite “changing calendars.”

All that being said, I don’t like to throw the baby out with the bathwater and I have no doubt there is some interesting information in his research. Though I am skeptical that I’d get anything more out of it than going directly to the sources he’s citing. You mentioning the “dates and numbers repeating” could be notable even if the dates are not historically accurate… perhaps it could lead to some clarity on why certain numbers were selected, almost some sort of code, though I’m also skeptical that historical fraud has that sort of uniform organization. I will try to listen to this all the way through with an open mind. And if I don’t, I promise I’ll at least stop sniping his work from the cheap seats :)

edit: and one minute in and I’m getting literacy rates and average distance traveled for a person in the early 15th century. I may not survive… (stop snarking, Banta, you promised!)

edit edit: I probably won’t listen to all of this. I’m sorry, more power to you and maybe I’m just too ignorant to understand, but this is absolutely what I suspected it was. A grab bag of standard chronology, combined with a fusion of every alternative idea under the sun (exploding planet hypothesis, Nibiru, etc) all framed in heliocentrism. This is about the polar opposite of what I find interesting about this research and this site in particular. I feel like more truth is found with detailed study into specific events rather than trying to assemble the whole of history into a handy chart (or the whole of the earth and heavens into a handy cosmological model).

I will apologize for casting aspersions on Mr. Beshears motivations though, I generally don’t do that and I definitely shouldn’t have. It’s very possible that he’s genuine in his claims, I just don’t agree with the methodology. I think he’s somewhat naive at best, but that’s okay. God knows I don’t have much figured out.
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